0x776b7364 / toggle.sg-download

Python script to automate Toggle.sg video downloads
MIT License
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Is it possible to download to a folder other than the one the .py file is in? #39

Closed Kerean closed 6 years ago

Kerean commented 7 years ago

Up until now, I have been placing the download_toggle_video.py file inside c:\python27 where python resides. Any videos that I download automatically go into c:\python27. I was wondering if there is any setting somewhere (perhaps within the .py file itself) that can change the default download folder to another drive or folder?

0x776b7364 commented 6 years ago

You can place the script file somewhere else, and then reference your python.exe file as such:

c:\my\path> c:\python27\python.exe download_toggle_video2.py http://video.toggle.sg/blah

Otherwise, you can hardcode the destination folder by modifying the following line in download_file():

ffmpeg_download_cmd = 'ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel info -i ' + url + " -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc \"c:\\my\\path\\" + name + ".mp4\""

0x776b7364 commented 6 years ago

Closed due to inactivity.