0x776b7364 / toggle.sg-download

Python script to automate Toggle.sg video downloads
MIT License
26 stars 18 forks source link

Unable to download anything? #40

Closed MintyMints closed 6 years ago

MintyMints commented 7 years ago

Hi, I kinda received the following error using windows command, was able to download before, but I was unable to download anything today. Do you have a solution for this issue? Thank you.

C:\Python27>download_toggle_video2.py https://video.toggle.sg/en/series/josiah-hd/ep8/518734

[I] Toggle video https://video.toggle.sg/en/series/josiah-hd/ep8/518734 detected [W] Unable to obtain api user / password [W] Nothing to download for https://video.toggle.sg/en/series/josiah-hd/ep8/518734 [E] No files in queue [I] Quitting ... [I] === Script execution complete! ===

gromgit commented 7 years ago

I don't use Windows, but the download works just fine on Linux:

$ toggle.sg https://video.toggle.sg/en/series/josiah-hd/ep8/518734

Toggle video and episodes downloader
by 0x776b7364

[*] Processing input 1 of 1 ...
[I] Toggle video https://video.toggle.sg/en/series/josiah-hd/ep8/518734 detected
[I] Obtained media name = Josiah__HD__-_Episode_8
[I] Auto-selected URL: http://cdnapi.kaltura.com/p/2082311/sp/208231100/playManifest/protocol/http/entryId/0_to176qmq/format/applehttp/tags/hlstv_hd/f/a.m3u8
[I] Found English subtitles! Adding to queue list ...
[I] Starting download of queued URLs ...
[I] Thread f5e0bb74: processing URL http://cdnapi.kaltura.com/p/2082311/sp/208231100/playManifest/protocol/http/entryId/0_to176qmq/format/applehttp/tags/hlstv_hd/f/a.m3u8
[I] Thread 3a397e3c: processing URL https://cc-toggle.akamaized.net/518734_DAJ15716_English.srt
Downloading: 518734_DAJ15716_English.srt Bytes: 22420

The toggle.sg script was last updated May 26. If you haven't updated since then, download the latest version and try again.

MintyMints commented 7 years ago

@gromgit seems to be working now for the newer shows. But then for the older shows for example, this one; I received an error like this. Is there a solution for it? Thank you.

[I] Thread 5366e283 completed [http @ 0000000000196d80] HTTP error 404 Not Found http://mcshls-vh.akamaihd.net/i/201509I/MCPK1109160214530853/MC_HD_BREAKOUT_EP25_STB_MP4_,10,20,30,40,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8: Server returned 404 Not Found [E] ffmpeg file not found, or existing file is for incorrect architecture, or download was interrupted prematurely. [I] Thread 39a848aa completed [I] === Script execution complete! ===

gromgit commented 7 years ago

@MintyMints Assuming the session was for Breakout Ep 25 (i.e. https://video.toggle.sg/en/series/breakout/ep25/203658), I can't even play the video from my browser. If you can't do that either, it's a good bet that the problem is on Toggle's backend.

MintyMints commented 7 years ago

@gromgit That's strange, because I am able to stream it on my browser, just that I am unable to download the file. Actually not only for this series but this problem also occurs for the other older shows. I tried the other download format, but it seems that the error only occurs when selecting STB (which is the best quality for the older shows).

Was able to download STB format previously so not sure why recently it pops up errors whenever I tried downloading it ... :(

0x776b7364 commented 6 years ago

@MintyMints are you still facing this issue? FWIW, I can stream the Breakout Ep 25 video on Safari while in SG. I can take a closer look if the issue is still occurring.

MintyMints commented 6 years ago

@0x776b7364 Hi, yes I'm still facing this issue, actually not only for this particular episode but for most of the older series. It's like whenever I am selecting STB quality, there will be error popping out;

[I] Thread 70a19488 completed [http @ 0000000000196d80] HTTP error 404 Not Found http://mcshls-vh.akamaihd.net/i/201509I/MCPK1109160214530853/MC_HD_BREAKOUT_EP25_STB_MP4_,10,20,30,40,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8: Server returned 404 Not Found [E] ffmpeg file not found, or existing file is for incorrect architecture, or download was interrupted prematurely. [I] Thread 7aa4d30f completed [I] === Script execution complete! ===

0x776b7364 commented 6 years ago

It would seem that the STB links aren't working. Have you tried the other formats? Specifically, the following seems to work well:

MintyMints commented 6 years ago

@0x776b7364 Yeap, have tried the other formats, they are working but the graphic quality isn't as good as STB.

0x776b7364 commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately I can't do anything if STB is not available. The retrieved quality list and the corresponding URLs are correct though. Perhaps you'll have to monitor the site to see when that version is uploaded.

0x776b7364 commented 6 years ago

Closed due to inactivity.