0x776b7364 / toggle.sg-download

Python script to automate Toggle.sg video downloads
MIT License
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WVM are encrypted with Webvine DRM #6

Closed JOHW85 closed 9 years ago

JOHW85 commented 9 years ago

The WVM files downloaded are encrypted with Webvine DRM, which effectively renders this moot.

gromgit commented 9 years ago

It seems to be an issue only for US-produced shows. Most local and some BBC-produced shows are DRM-free, and seem to be handled perfectly fine.

In any event, the logical place to fix this is in ffmpeg, but it's had an open Widevine support ticket, for 3 years, so it's probably not happening any time soon. That said, the download script seems to pull down the original bytes just fine, so if there are any shows you really want to archive, you can still pull the WVMs down first, then wait for ffmpeg or another encoder or standalone player to "support" Widevine.

0x776b7364 commented 9 years ago

Oops, forgot to close the issue; yes, great explanation by @gromgit, thanks for that.