0x776b7364 / toggle.sg-download

Python script to automate Toggle.sg video downloads
MIT License
26 stars 18 forks source link

Prompt: SAMPLE-AES encryption is not supported yet #66

Open Esperanzaee opened 3 years ago

Esperanzaee commented 3 years ago

[hls @ 000001eecde7d300] Error when loading first segment 'http://k.toggle.sg/fpshls/p/2082311/sp/208231100/serveFlavor/entryId/0_wkmyueyt/v/2/pv/1/ev/19/flavorId/0_n9ufkfy3/name/a.mp4/seg-1-v1-a1.ts' http://cdnapi.kaltura.com/p/2082311/sp/208231100/playManifest/protocol/http/entryId/0_wkmyueyt/format/applehttp/tags/tablet_hd/f/a.m3u8: Invalid data found when processing input [E] ffmpeg file not found, or existing file is for incorrect architecture, or download was interrupted prematurely. [I] Thread 9bd36894 completed [I] +++ Script execution complete! +++

gromgit commented 3 years ago

FYI, this project is pretty much defunct (the last update was over two years ago). According to the network graph, this fork is the most up-to-date: https://github.com/ChinHuiHing/toggle.sg-download

Esperanzaee commented 3 years ago

FYI, this project is pretty much defunct (the last update was over two years ago). According to the network graph, this fork is the most up-to-date: https://github.com/ChinHuiHing/toggle.sg-download

Have the same problem

gromgit commented 3 years ago

Then submit an issue there. You're not likely to get it resolved here -- have you looked at the issues list?