0x7c13 / Notepads

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[Feature request] character/word count and markdown #1336

Open fallsdevil opened 2 months ago

fallsdevil commented 2 months ago

What bothers me is not being able to see the character and/or word count, this is very useful for my use, but currently I haven't found any option to activate this in the status bar.

I would like the next update to have this feature where we can see the character count of the entire text and not just the counts per typed line and if possible add the word count option with the possibility of activating both in the status bar, something like: xx characters - xx words.

I consider having options to activate or deactivate one or more of these suggestions, if the user did not want them. For example, activate/deactivate the display of both counts, show only one of them, or none.

Additional context this is an example using Typedown, besides, it would be interesting if Notepads had markdown support...
