0x7c13 / Notepads

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[Feature request]How to associate editing to the right click #1337

Open taotaoyouyou opened 1 month ago

taotaoyouyou commented 1 month ago

How to associate editing to the right click

abhwong commented 1 month ago

1.Create a new file called 1.reg 2.Copy the following content to 1.reg file.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="open with notepads"

@="\"C:\\Users\\YourUsername\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps\\Notepads.exe\" \"%V\""

3.Replace YourUsername and icon path. You can use the ico i converted or delete that line

  1. Save it. Double click and import.
taotaoyouyou commented 1 month ago

I have tried this method, and it will add "Open with NotePads" to all files in the right button,how can I add it in the right button of the specified file format,for example BAT, CMD. Thx