Calling libkrw in a jailbreak that does not implement libkrw will result in abort.
If you switch to checkra1n after using unc0ver, the existence of /usr/lib/libkrw/1_unc0ver.dylib makes libkrw think that it is available but not actually, which will cause abort.
I think dimentio should first try to use tfp0 (that is, use the original method), and if it fails, try to use libkrw instead.
Calling libkrw in a jailbreak that does not implement libkrw will result in abort. If you switch to checkra1n after using unc0ver, the existence of /usr/lib/libkrw/1_unc0ver.dylib makes libkrw think that it is available but not actually, which will cause abort. I think dimentio should first try to use tfp0 (that is, use the original method), and if it fails, try to use libkrw instead.