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Socratic Seminar 12 Reading List (Jan 2023) #10

Closed 0xBEEFCAF3 closed 1 year ago

0xBEEFCAF3 commented 1 year ago

Drop links here!

johncantrell97 commented 1 year ago

A few lightning-dev topics we could put on the list..

A proposal for modifying the lightning channel protocol to introduce "Tunable Penalties" https://github.com/JohnLaw2/ln-tunable-penalties/blob/main/tunablepenalties10.pdf

new lightning channel Factory construction proposals based on the above "Tunable Penalties" idea: https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2022-December/003782.html

circuitbreaker: an imperfect way to fight back against channel jamming https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2022-December/003781.html

johncantrell97 commented 1 year ago

Not really from December but I had missed it initially. Interesting idea until better privacy solutions are ready.

lnproxy: https://github.com/lnproxy/lnproxy

johncantrell97 commented 1 year ago

LDK 113 Released! Probably the main change worth noting is the ability to intercept HTLCs. This enables LDK users to implement just-in-time channel creation, a useful feature for LSPs.


johncantrell97 commented 1 year ago

Follow-up on our Full-RBF session last month. Peter Todd surveyed running bitcoin nodes to find that at least 17% of nodes running 24.x have enabled full-rbf.


johncantrell97 commented 1 year ago

MAD Transactions: A new 0-conf tx protocol proposal as a way to enable 0-conf txs in a full-rbf world. a game theoretical solution based on mutually assured destruction.


johncantrell97 commented 1 year ago

[Lightning-dev] Swap-in-Potentiam: Moving Onchain Funds "Instantly" To Lightning https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2023-January/003810.html

A new proposal that enables bitcoin users with LSPs to receive to on-chain addresses/contracts constructed in a way that the on-chain funds can be used to instantly swap for lightning liquidity should the user want to in the future.

edwargix commented 1 year ago

BIP324 v2 P2P Transport Protocol PR merged: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/pull/1378#event-8155389517


0xBEEFCAF3 commented 1 year ago


johncantrell97 commented 1 year ago

OP_VAULT: A new proposal for implementing a fully featured on-chain bitcoin vault


0xBEEFCAF3 commented 1 year ago

Standard for importing labels was merged https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0329.mediawiki