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Socratic Seminar 24 Reading List (June 18, 2024) #31

Closed satsie closed 1 month ago

satsie commented 1 month ago


Drop links here!

0xBEEFCAF3 commented 1 month ago

Fed Up Cov https://rubin.io/bitcoin/2024/05/29/fed-up-covenants/

0xBEEFCAF3 commented 1 month ago

Quantum resitance addresses https://github.com/cryptoquick/bips/blob/p2qrh/bip-p2qrh.mediawiki

john-light commented 1 month ago

Risk analysis framework for bitcoin L2s and sidechains https://delvingbitcoin.org/t/proposed-risk-framework-for-bitcoin-l2s-and-sidechains/933

john-light commented 1 month ago

"ZK Rollup on Bitcoin" whitepaper, or "How to build a trustless two-way BTC peg" https://github.com/alpenlabs/Technical-Whitepaper/blob/main/whitepaper_v085.pdf

john-light commented 1 month ago

CISA research https://cisaresearch.org/

john-light commented 1 month ago

Utreexo beta release: https://groups.google.com/g/bitcoindev/c/5GyV9af9lv4

0xBEEFCAF3 commented 1 month ago


john-light commented 1 month ago

SNARKnado: a practical, round-efficient SNARK verifier on bitcoin https://www.alpenlabs.io/blog/snarknado-practical-round-efficient-snark-verifier-on-bitcoin

delbonis commented 1 month ago


Hedgehog - A protocol for improved layer two bitcoin payments

delbonis commented 1 month ago


64 bit arithmetic soft fork

delbonis commented 1 month ago


Should overlapping soft fork proposals be considered mutually exclusive?

especially post from ajtowns

delbonis commented 1 month ago


[bitcoin-dev] New transaction policies (nVersion=3) for contracting protocols

More on v3 txs:

john-light commented 1 month ago

Wasabi Wallet coinjoin coordinator shuts down... https://x.com/wasabiwallet/status/1786083838415769673

... then 10 new coordinators appear: https://x.com/nopara73/status/1797232582003691699

FreeSabi bot tracking wabisabi coordinator liquidity: https://x.com/FreeSabiBot

sutt commented 1 month ago

Dev Bounties with Bitcoin

satsie commented 1 month ago

Thanks all for the contributions to the reading list! Closing this issue now that June's event is over. Next Boston BitDevs will be in September :)