0xBootleggers / bufficorn

Bufficorn Ventures Custom DAO App
MIT License
0 stars 1 forks source link

Write Blog Post for Project #86

Open TravisWyche opened 1 year ago

TravisWyche commented 1 year ago

Write article to publish on Mirror.

Good way to explain the Bufficorn project and provide a link that can be shared on Discord and Twitter. Kinda like a after action report on the project. Writing these mission debriefs is a good habit to get into.

Assume the readers would be people in our existing communities that are interested in what we are doing. Hoping that builds awareness of Moloch DAOs and our capabilities potentially leading to client leads.

Another "potential" reader would be people in the Bufficorn community wanting to learn more about this new app. Seems like it could be helpful although the audience is limited and the client has already paid us. Unless it is exciting enough for them to show off and share.

Wondering if there is anyway to make the article something Bufficorn partners mint on Mirror.

TravisWyche commented 1 year ago

Drafted copy text: https://hackmd.io/@bootleggers/BJUdNyhSh

Whipped up a figma prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/zJ5U7lEWu0cMCoGaevNv1l/Bootleggers?type=design&node-id=6053-209791&t=zy7ZNUkpWfiVGP2E-1&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=5638%3A41128&starting-point-node-id=6053%3A209791&mode=design