0xHabitat / kiezDAO

Tool sharing and rental app for local communities
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To Celo or not to Celo? #3

Closed DistributedDoge closed 4 years ago

DistributedDoge commented 4 years ago

KiezDAO could use Celo blockchain so that we can take part in bonus track entitled Peace & Prosperity just skimming whitepaper:



In conclusion, for real-life use at this time I would rather go with bare Ethereum, but I think it might be worthwhile to prototype some functionality using Celo (especially due to phone<->identity link) and see how user/developer experience compares to typical dApp.

Since stakes are low, and deadline is far away, I signed up for the contest track on gitcoin, as we can always change our minds later.

If you have any opinions on why Celo or why not Celo, I would be interested in hearing them.

DistributedDoge commented 4 years ago

Notes from Celo webinar regarding philosophy behind the platform:

Q&A session:

johannbarbie commented 4 years ago

cool, i can start by using their contract kit in the unit tests, and cUSD for borrowing and collateral: https://repl.it/@celoOrg/contractKit

DistributedDoge commented 4 years ago

Note for my future biographers: We decided to give Celo a shot after all. Closing.