0xProject / 0x-launch-kit-frontend

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Improvements to Buy/Sell Flow modal #434

Closed burnsben closed 5 years ago

burnsben commented 5 years ago

Completed one more design pass on the buy/sell flow modal:

Screen Shot 2019-05-22 at 4 33 54 PM

List of changes -positioning of title, paragraph copy and image have been shuffled around. -Height of modal has increased to 420px -Size of status graphics has increased (metamask icon, loading spinner, success and error) -Title now updates to the current status of the buy/sell flow. The smaller text below the progress bars should now only read "Waiting for Confirmation", "Waiting for Signature", the estimated time, or should be blank(on success states) -body/message copy should now be 14pt instead of 16pt(see design)

You can pull the title/ body copy updates from this figma doc which show the latest on the design: https://www.figma.com/file/hTFxa4hVhZtbqdLZwPgc8P/Launch-Kit-ERC-20?node-id=157%3A6663

Additionally, I'm hoping we can limit the number of significant figures to 3 places after the decimal in this modal.

The link should always be on a new line.

Screen Shot 2019-05-22 at 4 16 10 PM
pablofullana commented 5 years ago

@burnsben I deleted the second part of this issue's original description and opened a new to focus on it: #443