0xProject / 0x-monorepo

0x protocol monorepo - includes our smart contracts and many developer tools
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Torrent like Netwok Request #380

Closed mikailcetinkaya closed 6 years ago

mikailcetinkaya commented 6 years ago

Hello ;

Binance is intentionally down , many traders locked there . When 0x will implement peer to peer ; torrent like network ? This is cited in your whitepaper.

For such a development what do you require? How may i help you? I am a crypto trader + Software Developer.

Best Regards , Thank you.

LogvinovLeon commented 6 years ago

It's not planned in the near future. For now we're focused on the architecture where the order book is maintained by relayers, which are non-custodial. You can try any of them. Below is the list of those that are already live.

https://app.radarrelay.com/ https://app.paradex.io https://idex.market/ https://ddex.io/ https://ercdex.com/ https://decent.exchange/

fabioberger commented 6 years ago

@mikailcetinkaya since 0x protocol does not specify the way in which orders are relayed between traders, anyone can build a peer-to-peer, torrent-like Relayer on top of it. Feel free to make it happen!