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Add ZEIP-33 #52

Closed dorothy-zbornak closed 4 years ago

dorothy-zbornak commented 4 years ago


ZEIP: 33
Title: New/Consolidated Signature Type(s) and Behavior
Author: 0x Core Team
Type: Standard Track
Category: Core
Status: Final
Created: 2019-04-19

Discussion: #33

Simple Summary

Introduce new signature types for orders and and change validation behavior.


Add more robust order and transaction signature validation with the following callback signature types, which accept an entire Order or ZeroExTransaction object:

Also, all signature types (including these) will be checked on every fill. This is in contrast to the behavior in 2.0 where we only validate the signature on the first fill.


In 2.0, we have Validator and Wallet signature types, which can only validate against a hash, which means the order/transaction must be somehow registered with the validator contract prior to execution to determine meaningful context. It would be more useful if the validator contract was provided with the complete order/transaction data so they can implement more nuanced and dynamic filtering criteria.

Recent improvements to solidity and ABIEncoderV2 have made this approach relatively simple to execute.



Signature Encoding

The Validator signature type is tightly packed with the ordered fields:

// Arbitrary data passed to validator as `signature`. 0 or more bytes.
bytes signatureData
// Address of the validator contract. 20 bytes.
address validatorAddress
// Signature type. Always `0x05`. 1 byte.
uint8 signatureType

The EIP1271Wallet signature type is tightly packed with the following ordered fields. Note that the address of the validator contract is implied as the order maker or transaction signer.

// Arbitrary signature data passed to validator as `signature`. 0 or more bytes.
bytes signatureData
// Signature type. Always `0x07`. 1 byte.
uint8 signatureType


Contracts validating the Validator and EIP1271 signature types follow the EIP-1271 pattern and must expose the following callback:

function isValidSignature(
    // ABI-encoded data associated with the signature.
    bytes calldata data,
    // arbitrary signature bytes passed in top-level call.
    bytes calldata signature
    // Should return 0x20c13b0b if the signature is valid.
    returns (bytes4 magicValue);

EIP-1271 data Encoding

There are two ways the data parameter for EIP1271Wallet and Validator signatures can be encoded, depending on what type of data is signed:


Here is a complete (if trivial) implementation that validates an Order signature:

pragma solidity ^0.5.9;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

import "@0x/contracts-utils/LibBytes.sol";

contract MyOrderValidator {

    using LibBytes for bytes;

    // 0x order structure
    struct Order {
        address makerAddress;
        address takerAddress;
        address feeRecipientAddress;
        address senderAddress;
        uint256 makerAssetAmount;
        uint256 takerAssetAmount;
        uint256 makerFee;
        uint256 takerFee;
        uint256 expirationTimeSeconds;
        uint256 salt;
        bytes makerAssetData;
        bytes takerAssetData;
        bytes makerFeeAssetData;
        bytes takerFeeAssetData;

    /// @dev Validate an order signature.
    /// @param data The ABI-encoded order and hash.
    /// @param signature Signature data for the order.
    /// @return magicValue 0x20c13b0b if the signature is valid.
    function isValidSignature(
        bytes calldata data,
        bytes calldata signature
        returns (bytes4 magicValue)
        // Decode the order and hash.
        (Order memory order, bytes32 orderHash) = abi.decode(data.slice(4), (Order, bytes32));
        // Validate the order
        // ...
        magicValue = 0x20c13b0b; // Success


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