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Add ZEIP 37 #67

Closed hysz closed 4 years ago

hysz commented 4 years ago


ZEIP: 37
Title: Allow 0x transactions to be cancelled (or expired)
Author: 0x Core Team
Type: Standard Track
Category: Core
Status: Final
Created: 2019-10-29

Discussion: #37


A signed 0x transaction is currently valid until executed. There is no explicit way to cancel or invalidate a transaction. This ZEIP will discuss 3 different mechanisms accomplishing this.


There are pros and cons to allowing 0x transactions to be cancelled. The initial decision to not allow cancels in 2.0 was actually intentional.

Argument against cancellation

In many cases, a 0x transaction will be submitted by a user that is not actually the transaction signer (such as a relayer). Allowing the transaction signer to cancel adds an additional griefing vector, where the signer can cancel and force the submitter to waste gas.

Argument for cancellation

If a taker signs a fill transaction that can only be executed by a different address (i.e when order.senderAddress is not the taker), that address can withhold the transaction and submit it at a later time. If the market price has moved during this time, a taker may end up filling an order at an undesirable price.


There are at least 3 viable options for allowing 0x transaction cancellations: a cancelTransaction function; a monotonically increasing nonce; or an expirationTimeSeconds field. The three options are described in detail below: only option 3 (transaction expirations) was implemented for v3 of the exchange.

1 cancelTransaction function

The logic for this would be very similar to cancelOrder. Pseudocode:

function cancelTransaction(ZeroExTransaction memory transaction)
    address signerAddress = getCurrentContextAddress();
        transaction.signerAddress == signerAddress,
    bytes32 transactionHash = getTransactionHash(transaction);
    transactions[transactionHash] = true;

2 Force salt to be strictly incrementing by 1

A transaction's salt field would serve the same functionality as an Ethereum transaction's nonce field (and could also be renamed to reflect this). Valid transactions must have a nonce equal to the most recently submitted transaction's nonce + 1. Multiple transactions with the same nonce cannot be submitted, so a "cancellation" would merely be submitting a transaction with the same nonce as the transaction that is intended to be cancelled.

3 Add an expirationTimeSeconds field

Transactions mined in a block with timestamp at or after the expirationTimeSeconds field would be invalid. This is my personal favorite approach, as it seems to minimize griefing vectors while also limiting the potential damage of a withholding attack (most transactions would likely be very short lived).


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