0xabad1dea / badrave

procedural chiptune generator
3 stars 1 forks source link

output #3

Open fietronic opened 5 years ago

fietronic commented 5 years ago

do/did you have a way to play the output or was it just proof of concept straw man?

fietronic commented 5 years ago

I tried some different ones but none of them went

0xabad1dea commented 5 years ago

I honestly don't remember what state I left this program in but it was targeting ppmck: https://github.com/munshkr/ppmck https://shauninman.com/assets/downloads/ppmck_guide.html

and compiling the ppmck would produce a standard NSF file which many chiptune players and NES emulators can play.

here is a handwritten ppmck file of mine from a few years ago. https://gist.github.com/0xabad1dea/f59de7aea770640dbc54 https://soundcloud.com/0xabad1dea/splatoon-squid-girls-calamari-chorus-chiptune?in=0xabad1dea/sets/game-covers