0xc3u / Indiko.Maui.Controls.Markdown

A Markdown Viewer component for maui.net
MIT License
12 stars 3 forks source link

Problem with ** __ etc #4

Closed renelaerke closed 4 weeks ago

renelaerke commented 4 weeks ago


thanx for this awesome component. Very good work.

However I just stumbled upon a problem.

The default value set for the TextFontFace in the MarkdownView is set to "OpenSansRegular"

BindableProperty.Create(nameof(TextFontFace), typeof(string), typeof(MarkdownView), defaultValue: "OpenSansRegular", propertyChanged: OnMarkdownTextChanged);

Unfortunately this prevents the view from showing text in bold, italic etc.

Btw. the sample project also sets the TextTypeFace value explicitly "OpenSansRegular" on the MainPage.xaml

Until you realise this problem it's a bit like "fighting windmills" when starting out with you component.

đŸ˜‰ RenĂ©

0xc3u commented 4 weeks ago

I will look into it René thank you for notice.

0xc3u commented 4 weeks ago

We released a new version 1.0.6 please check the new version.