0xfe / vexflow

A JavaScript library for rendering music notation and guitar tablature.
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Indices vs Indexes #1568

Closed ronyeh closed 11 months ago

ronyeh commented 1 year ago

Both are used in the vexflow codebase. We should standardize. "Indices" is used more often in our codebase.... but both are technically correct.


I would personally prefer "indexes" because if I do a code base search for "index" I would also prefer that lines containing "indexes" also show up. Currently, it doesn't match "indices" so I'd have to do a second search to find lines with "indices".

rvilarl commented 1 year ago

I would also go for indexes.

sschmidTU commented 1 year ago

+1 for indexes, it's more clear for non-native speakers as well. (plus the search argument) (even as someone who likes Latin, indices being the Latin plural, I prefer pragmatism, and both plurals are valid for a reason)

mscuthbert commented 1 year ago

My general preference is for indices (except for things like multiple tables of contents which I've been told are properly called indexes from someone in the know) but the "find" functionality argument outweighs this preference (and non-native speakers), so go with indexes!

rvilarl commented 11 months ago

Considered in https://github.com/vexflow/vexflow