0xfe / vexflow

A JavaScript library for rendering music notation and guitar tablature.
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issue with generateBeams and mixed subdivisions #1589

Open nitzanrh opened 11 months ago

nitzanrh commented 11 months ago


Notice that the 8th note isn't beamed to the 2 Sixteenth notes, although it should. If you modify the code and change the Quarter Note Triplets into 2 Eight Note Triplets, the beaming works as expected.

I didn't manage to replicate this issue when using only triplets or only sixteenth notes. I assume this has something to do with the Quarter Note Triplet disrupting the internal division of the stave into beats, but it's just a hunch.

Cheers, Nitzan

ronyeh commented 10 months ago

Thanks! Very interesting issue. :-)

nitzanrh commented 7 months ago

Hey guys, any news regarding this issue?

rvilarl commented 7 months ago

If you modify the code and change the Quarter Note Triplets into 2 Eight Note Triplets, the beaming works as expected.

could you add a jsfiddle with this working variant?

nitzanrh commented 7 months ago


Yup, there you go: https://jsfiddle.net/w0eh8bfo/

Again, the only difference is having inside the triplet 2 eighth notes instead of a quarter note

rvilarl commented 7 months ago

@nitzanrh I think that the problem is that the third note was not in the array.


nitzanrh commented 7 months ago

@nitzanrh I think that the problem is that the third note was not in the array.


Not sure I follow... in the fiddle you sent, the triplet beat contains more than 3 eight notes (quarter note + 2 eighth notes). There are 2 arrays:

  1. notesEighthTriplets for the first beat - which should include a sum of 3 eighth notes (triplets) and
  2. notesSixteenth for the second beat - which should include a sum of 4 sixteenth notes

As mentioned, if the first beat is divided into 3 eighth notes - the beaming of the second beat is correct. However, if the first beat is divided into a quarter note and an eighth note, the beaming of the second beat is incorrect.

Strangely enough, the order in which the first beat is divided seems to make a difference: if the first beat is divided into an 8th note and a quarter note (in that order) the beaming of the second beat is incorrect, however if you reverse the order (ie the first beat divided into quarter note and then an 8th note) - the beaming of the second beat is correct.

Curiouser and curiouser...

rvilarl commented 7 months ago

@nitzanrh VexFlow represents what it is requested. VexFlow does not make many consistency checks. If you send a picture of the required representation, I can try to help to get it done.

nitzanrh commented 7 months ago

@rvilarl I'll try to explain my situation better:

I'm using vexflow to render rhythmic notation for drummers. One of the unique features of the app is that it generates the notes (somewhat) randomly - therefore I'm counting on generateBeams to handle the beaming automatically.

In most cases it works great. However when there is a measure with one beat divided into triplets and the other beat divided into 16th notes, generateBeams does not handle it properly.

If I were to manually manage the beams then of course it would work as expected, but since the notes are random I'm dependent on generateBeams to handle the beaming.

To your question, I'm trying to represent the following notes and handle the beaming using generateBeams (ie without setting the beaming manually)

Screen Shot 2023-11-07 at 11 07 24

Hope this makes things clearer :)

rvilarl commented 7 months ago

Ok I see, I misundrestood the problem statement. I will look into what generateBeams does.

rvilarl commented 7 months ago

@nitzanrh the code is really complex. Have you tried to look into it? It is strange how the notes in the front interfere with the auto beaming. I do not understand why the two initial notes produce the confussion. If tey are left out, the result is good.


nitzanrh commented 7 months ago

I'll try to look into generateBeams and see if I can come up with anything :)

nitzanrh commented 7 months ago

@rvilarl I tried to look at generateBeams and as you said, it's quite complex so I didn't manage to see where the bug is coming from. However, I did manage to somewhat bypass the issue by calling generateBeams twice - once on the triplet notes and one on the 16th notes.