0xfe / vextab

A VexTab Parser for VexFlow
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The notation looks a little blurry on my Macbook Pro with Retina display #63

Open walnutpedia opened 9 years ago

walnutpedia commented 9 years ago

still readable but a little blurry.

Xiphe commented 9 years ago

hav you tried to use svg rendering?

See https://github.com/0xfe/vextab#quick-start

for SVG include RaphaelJS in a script tag before vextab-div.js

kostia commented 8 years ago

@Xiphe Including RaphaelJS doesn't help. Still blurry. Any ideas why?

Xiphe commented 8 years ago

sorry, have not worked with this project in a long time. i just remembered that svg worked fine for me when i played around with this.

solody commented 8 years ago

@Xiphe Why, its a amasing project

0xfe commented 8 years ago

@kostia The Raphael backend is deprecated. Use the VexFlow SVG backend instead. It will render without blur on retina machines.

kostia commented 8 years ago

@0xfe Tried Vex.Flow.Renderer.Backends.CANVAS, but unfortunately it still looks a little bit blurry:

bildschirmfoto 2015-12-16 um 20 21 26
0xfe commented 8 years ago

You need to use Render.Backends.SVG not CANVAS.

kostia commented 8 years ago

Is there an example on how to use the SVG backend? Tried new Vex.Flow.Renderer(output.get(0), Vex.Flow.Renderer.Backends.CANVAS), but getting an error Uncaught RuntimeError: No support for backend: 3 from https://github.com/0xfe/vextab/blob/master/releases/vextab-div.js#L22203-L22205.

0xfe commented 8 years ago

You'll need to build vextab using a recent vexflow version.

On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 3:46 PM, Kostiantyn Kahanskyi < notifications@github.com> wrote:

Is there an example on how to use the SVG backend? Tried new Vex.Flow.Renderer(output.get(0), Vex.Flow.Renderer.Backends.CANVAS), but getting an error Uncaught RuntimeError: No support for backend: 3 from https://github.com/0xfe/vextab/blob/master/releases/vextab-div.js#L22203-L22205 .

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/0xfe/vextab/issues/63#issuecomment-165234016.

Mohit Muthanna [mohit (at) muthanna (uhuh) com]