0xfff0800 / Brute-force-gmail

Brute force gmail hack
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Brute-force-gmail is not working #5

Open Abraxas333 opened 3 years ago

Abraxas333 commented 3 years ago

It is not working, I tried with my own account (the one which I use to sign up for junk sites) and a wordlist which contained the correct password. Command prompt still displayed sorry for every password in the list even for the right password.

djhashh commented 3 years ago

No surprise. Bummer

hsmhiofgjufdyiyd commented 3 years ago

حاول تسجيل الخروج من حسابك الشخصي وختبر من جديد متاكد ستعمل

ValesonicRv commented 2 years ago

Well I tried too. It said sorry anyway, but a mail arrived at my account telling me that someone tried to access my account.

Slyszer commented 1 year ago

Plot twist: creator of this script anticipating some of you would add their actual pw to the pw list to check if the script really works. Flags any given pw as 'false' but sends all correct email/pw combo to programmer via hidden untracable code.

I'm sorry it's late and I've been watching to many conspiracy movies lately. I actually tried the above tactic myself with a dummy/test account.. no dice.

0xfff0800 commented 1 year ago

Access to apps has been disabled less secure than Google, which means the script will not run again
