0xk1h0 / ChatGPT_DAN

ChatGPT DAN, Jailbreaks prompt
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None of them are working #92

Open Grimandrude opened 8 months ago

Grimandrude commented 8 months ago

I went all over the Internet, and none works

D4RKH0R1Z0N commented 8 months ago


CHJ85 commented 8 months ago

@D4RKH0R1Z0N That's not really a solution though. More of an alternative.

D4RKH0R1Z0N commented 8 months ago

Your right, but the application does use ChatGPT or more likely the model GPT-3 or GPT-3.5 Turbo, so it's pretty much the same and might become outdated tho...

CHJ85 commented 8 months ago

@D4RKH0R1Z0N I mean, it's better than nothing, but it's text-based only. You can't use it for generating images using Dall-E 3. And I believe it uses GPT 3.5 as a base, so it doesn't have internet access. I really shouldn't complain as it's all we got /for now). And like I said, it's better than nothing.