Open pH-T opened 4 years ago
While I don't see the same behavior as above I do observe the duplicate events that seem to be mentioned. Here is a modified version of what @pH-T posted where just the EventRecordID
of each event (which should be unique) is logged for C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\Security.evtx
package main
import (
func main() {
efile := flag.String("file", "", "evtxfile to monitor")
if *efile == "" {
log.Fatal("file arg required")
ef, err := evtx.OpenDirty(*efile)
if err != nil {
stop := make(chan bool, 1)
for e := range ef.MonitorEvents(stop) {
The output shows duplicate events every time a new record is written to Security.evtx
2020/10/29 14:14:36 151682
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2020/10/29 14:24:30 151682
2020/10/29 14:24:30 151683
2020/10/29 14:24:30 151684
2020/10/29 14:24:30 151685
2020/10/29 14:24:30 151686
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2020/10/29 14:24:30 151688
2020/10/29 14:24:30 151689
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2020/10/29 14:24:30 151696
2020/10/29 14:24:30 151697
2020/10/29 14:24:30 151698 <------------------NEW EVENT
Not sure if it's related but wanted to definitely point out the duplicate events.
Hi guys,
This tool is a bit outdated and since then I came up with a better solution for live monitoring. Check this out, you can monitor directly to Windows event channels: I would recommend you guys use a PullEventProvider to listen to the channels you want. I actually need to fix evtxmon to use that method too, however I don't have much time to do it now.
fwiw I used @qjerome 's idea to subscribe to sysmon events and it worked well, so I'll be using that instead of this library. Code roughly looks like:
import (
func GetEvents() {
fmt.Println("Getting events")
SysmonChannel := "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational"
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
ep := wevtapi.NewPullEventProvider()
go func() {
for e := range ep.FetchEvents([]string{SysmonChannel}, wevtapi.EvtSubscribeToFutureEvents) {
j := e.ToJSONEvent()
channel := j.Event.System.Channel
switch channel {
case SysmonChannel:
if j.Event.System.EventID == "1" {
event := j.Event.EventData
fmt.Printf("Event: %s\n", event["Image"])
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
// Stopping EventProvider
Based on evtxmon I tried to come up with a minimal monitoring tool myself:
Although Sysmon is running ("Event Viewer" shows all/new events) I dont get any output. If I add
some old events (it seems always the same old events are dumped?) are shown but new ones are still missing. Using evtxmon directly (changedwriter.Write(evtx.ToJSON(e))
) resulted in the same issue...Did I make a mistake?