0xsky / xredis

Redis C++ client, support the data slice storage, support redis cluster, thread-safe,multi-platform,connection pool, read/write separation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
336 stars 153 forks source link

How to build on Windows #17

Open Think7 opened 8 years ago

Think7 commented 8 years ago


Would you be willing to explain how to build this on Windows using MSVC++ compiler? Also hiredis is listed as a dependancy but hiredis itself doesn't support windows. So i'm extra unsure of how to make this work.

Thanks for your time!

0xsky commented 8 years ago

have a look at this : https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis

0xsky commented 7 years ago


  1. xredis依赖hiredis,因此需先要先在win下编译hiredis库, hiredis在win下编译使用,可以看下微软的:https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis
  2. 编译好win下的hiredis后,就可以直接在C++里使用xredis了。
skyformat99 commented 7 years ago

谢谢大牛牛。 不过,对这个怎么看?https://github.com/lordoffox/aredis 似乎一个头文件搞定。

0xsky commented 7 years ago

怎么实现的其实不重要,实现简单的话,也可以看下 https://github.com/0xsky/xredis/blob/master/src/xRedisClusterClient.h 这个里面也实现了一个简单的client, xredis是对hiredis的封装,主要是为了C++使用方便.

skyformat99 commented 7 years ago
