0xz00n / EDPriceCheckBot

Discord bot to check mineral prices and alert on high prices for Elite: Dangerous
12 stars 5 forks source link

Add Painite Alerter #3

Closed jpwalsh1 closed 1 year ago

jpwalsh1 commented 4 years ago

Can we add a Painite alerter similar to the LTD one but alerts us for something around 725k+?

0xz00n commented 4 years ago

I'm currently waiting for the meta to settle out a bit before making changes for what gets alerted on. The patch on Monday has the chance to shuffle things up again.

I'll keep this open until the dust has settled a bit.

0xz00n commented 4 years ago

Additionally, an acceptable demand level will also have to be determined before alerts are sent out. Though, based on how demand is currently working in game, this bot may have outlived its initial usefulness.

jpwalsh1 commented 4 years ago

Sure understand about the meta, and the demand parts aren't affecting Painite like it is LTDs these days, but understand holding off until the next patch and how that shakes out. Thanks!