1000001101000 / Debian_on_Buffalo

Tools for Installing/Running Debian on Buffalo ARM based Linkstation/Terastation/Kurobox/Cloudstor devices.
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Failed to create a file system #212

Closed TimoEck closed 3 months ago

TimoEck commented 4 months ago


I'm a beginner. It's my first try to change my Linkstation System to Nextcloud.

The first step is to install ubunto. I followed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfMHlLmsSF8. By Side I checked the wiki (https://github.com/1000001101000/Debian_on_Buffalo/wiki) and followed the way with Option 1: Load onto Device Running the Stock Firmware.

Now I tried to install the ubuntu. Followed the partion advices in the video and set the partions this way: 1 2 3

My next Screen and choosed option: 4

Next Screen: 5

And after a while (<1min) Don't be scared my cmd at windows doesn't show right at this install process: 6

If you need additional information about my system or my installation please let me know.

additional: I want to get Raid1. I don't know how to reach this and can I do it now with the partion or later?

1000001101000 commented 3 months ago

sda6 and sdb6 are components of RAID#10. if you change those to unused it should be able to move forward.

you can specify a mountpoint for RAID#10 if you wish or you can wait till after you get into debian

TimoEck commented 3 months ago

Hello, thank you so much for your fast responde!

Sorry for my Questions. But I got the RAID#10 "use as: do not use" 1a

If I change RAID#10 to ext4 and the mountpoint to: "/home", will it save all files there 2a

or should I "use as: do not use" for both 2TB Hard Drives?

TimoEck commented 3 months ago

I changed RAID#10 to ext4 and tried to set the mountpoint to /mnt/data. Changed the filesystem sucessfully, but gave me the same error. "The ext4 file system creation in partition #6 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) failed.

EDIT: I tried your second advice. To unused the 2 disks. Now I'm at the "installing base system".

TimoEck commented 3 months ago

Worked. Debian is installed. Thank you very much for your help!