1000ch / gulp-image

Optimize PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG images with gulp task.
MIT License
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The output is different between window and mac #67

Open minhquankq opened 4 years ago

minhquankq commented 4 years ago

I have optimized image from the same image and execute on window and mac Input image 87kb


Expected: the output should be the same.

1000ch commented 4 years ago

If you are using the same version of gulp-image and its configuration, the results should be the same as you say. Is there any difference between those configurations? or if they are same, the binaries bundled on gulp-image might (?) be different. So, could you clarify the difference between them?

minhquankq commented 4 years ago

I use the same version (6.1.0) and configuration

const imageOptimizerOptions = {
  pngquant: true,
  optipng: false,
  zopflipng: true,
  jpegRecompress: false,
  mozjpeg: true,
  guetzli: false,
  gifsicle: true,
  svgo: ['--enable', 'cleanupIDs', '--disable', 'convertColors', '--disable', 'removeViewBox'],
  concurrent: 10,
  quiet: true, // defaults to false

my gulp tasks are download the images from another repository and gulp-image to optimize the download images. if run again, I will delete the optimized images and download and gulp-image again (to make sure the input of gulp-image will be the same).

=> the expected is git status should not list any change

but currently, the optimize images was changes (they are different size also), does it depend on OS?

I have checked the version (the image for testing is jpeg)

1000ch commented 4 years ago

Also, would you check the version of binaries in node_modules?

minhquankq commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the late response, but what do you mean for binaries in node_modules? in my node_modules doesn't have any binaries dependency image

1000ch commented 4 years ago

I mean the binaries bundled by each package (mozjpeg, jpeg-recompress-bin) in gulp-image.