If a token has a buff which modifies its health (either through Constitution or temporary HP or the like) and that buff is deactivated, a red error pops up.
Uncaught (in promise) Error: The key XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX does not exist in the EmbeddedCollection Collection
[No packages detected]
at Map.get (file:XXXXXXXXXXXX/FoundryVTT/resources/app/common/utils/collection.mjs:106:13)
at ServerDatabaseBackend._deleteEmbeddedDocuments (file:file:XXXXXXXXXXXX/FoundryVTT/resources/app/dist/database/backend/server-backend.mjs:1:4519)
at ServerDatabaseBackend.delete (file:///XXXXXXXXXXXXXX/FoundryVTT/resources/app/common/abstract/backend.mjs:214:31)
at async Socket.handleEvent (file:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/FoundryVTT/resources/app/dist/server/sockets.mjs:1:568)
Until the screen is refreshed with F5, the activation or deactivation of any further buffs does not properly draw or hide its icon. That is, if a buff is activated or deactivated the buff icon does not appear or dissappear (although its effects are still calculated properly).
Foundry Version 0.8.9.
Pathfinder 1 version 0.79.10.
If a token has a buff which modifies its health (either through Constitution or temporary HP or the like) and that buff is deactivated, a red error pops up.
Until the screen is refreshed with F5, the activation or deactivation of any further buffs does not properly draw or hide its icon. That is, if a buff is activated or deactivated the buff icon does not appear or dissappear (although its effects are still calculated properly).
Foundry Version 0.8.9. Pathfinder 1 version 0.79.10.