100Automations / Website

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Marketing review of mvp site content plan #37

Closed ExperimentsInHonesty closed 2 years ago

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 years ago


Identify what marketing assets we need to support the project objectives



Action Items


The types of activities we want to support from the start:


Current site design in Figma

Press kit page: https://www.figma.com/file/zGyhV8Z6sLohatYAnFoxQm/100Automations-Project-Board?node-id=791%3A30

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 years ago


NivenPrasad commented 3 years ago

Notes from marketing meeting on 10.10.20:

philippricefry commented 3 years ago

Would rename this page "Press"

Suggested layout for this specific page (in order of hierarchy on page):

1: Press Releases & Media Alerts (should drop down OR open to another page where releases will be both downloadable and archived OR can open to a Google Drive) 2: Assets (should drop down OR open to another page OR open to a google drive where media can download things like logos, bios, fact sheets, etc.) 3: Contact 100 Automation's Press Office: Copy to go underneath: "Are you a member of the media? Please send us a note at Press@hackforla.com or x email" (we can decide this later) 4: Share what we're doing! (Should open to another page OR open to a google drive where there are downloadable social assets for media &/or consumers &/or contributors) 5: Featured in: (can be at the bottom of the page where it shows links to recent press - should not click open to another page)

Questions for @ExperimentsInHonesty : The above I think absolutely should be part of this page. The below are two things I want to suggest but may not be necessary because they could love on another part of the site.

1: Leadership OR Collaborators: Often times media will want to know "Okay, so who is working on this and running it?". Do we want to shine light on leaders of this specific project? If the answer is yes, this part would be called "Leadership" or "Collaborators" and would feature bios + names of the people that media should know. If the answer is "No, we do not need this", I will make sure that the "fact sheet" in the assets part of the Press page outlines that this is a Hack for LA project managed by a LOT of different people.

  1. FAQ: Sometimes I like to add a FAQ page that would essentially answer every obvious answer (obvious to us, prob not obvious to an outsider) a consumer and journalist would have. The lens is - it's for a journalist, but often times consumers will come through here. May not be necessary but always a nice to have.

Unrelated bonus question: DO we want to create a "Press" email for HackForLa? Where is the best place for a journalist to reach out if they have a question? Should we create project specific forums or one general inbox that can be fielded by myself and another manager or two?

NivenPrasad commented 3 years ago

Great feedback! Discussed with @CamilaArias @ExperimentsInHonesty on 10.14. Assigning now to Design to start framing contents for Press page, which should be the following:

  1. Press releases
  2. Assets section - with icons for Logos, Bios, Fact Sheets etc
  3. Section for Contact 100 Automations Press Office with copy: "Are you a member of the media? Please send us a note at 100Automations@hackforla.org"
  4. Section (or button) called Share 100 Automations! (Drop down)
  5. Section called Featured In - links on the page to recent press
NivenPrasad commented 3 years ago

@CamilaArias once mock-ups are done, we will send to Philip for review.

CamilaArias commented 3 years ago
NivenPrasad commented 3 years ago

@CamilaArias is working on making it so that you can make the two interfaces consistent, in relation to being able to share the memes.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 years ago


Pinterest uses the download icon as the way to navigate to share (see below)

We could just add some instructions to select the image to share it. Then if you click anywhere on the picture or hover with your mouse you would get all the share options. This is likely the code library we would use and you can see how it works if you go to this url: https://sharethis.com/platform/image-share-buttons/ p.s. I am not saying to use that particular share icon, just grabbed one that was available. p.p.s. You might want to read this article about share icons Screen Shot 2020-11-28 at 4 57 55 PM

Desktop Pinterest Screen Shot 2020-11-28 at 3 57 44 PM

Mobile Screen Shot 2020-11-28 at 3 57 32 PM

What is behind the "..." on the primary page - which is different from the ... on the share page Screen Shot 2020-11-28 at 3 57 20 PM

NivenPrasad commented 3 years ago

Progress: @CamilaArias has reviewed the above comment. Blocks: None. Availability: Available. Eta: Saturday

Olivia-Chiong commented 3 years ago

This is being paused due to investigation of #78

NivenPrasad commented 3 years ago

Investigation of #78 concluded - all the images will need 2 icons:

  1. One for sharing
  2. One for download
NivenPrasad commented 3 years ago


Once we have that content, @CamilaArias can do mock-ups of the Bios page and Fact Sheet (could be a page or modal). @Olivia-Chiong will make issues for the Fact Sheet, Bios page, and Press Release (or ensure they exist) and link them here in this issue.

Olivia-Chiong commented 3 years ago

Bio pages - #86 Fact Sheet - Is one of the action items on #55 Press Release - #55

Olivia-Chiong commented 3 years ago

Paused pending #87

superbunker commented 2 years ago

This is an early stage discussion, superseded by several press page issues