Closed NivenPrasad closed 3 years ago
You will need to write a short description about your automation so that people will understand what it is about and why it's valuable.
The description should have the following elements:
Here are two examples:
GitHub’s Contributor’s endpoint only shows the people who put in pull requests. On cross functional teams that use GitHub to manage projects, contributions from non code contributors (Designers, Product/Project Managers, Business Analysts, Q/A testers, etc.) are represented by comments on issues.
True GithHub Contributors delivers a consolidated list of who contributed and how many times. This code can be seen on Hack for LA’s project pages, where the contributors are represented by their GitHub Avatar in the Contributors section.
Does not include:
When using Github and Jekyll it is easy to end up with files that are missing data types, with no built in way to enforce uniformity.
The Jekyll-Gather-Data-Types automation creates reports that identify what data types are being used across all files in a collection and what might be missing from individual files in order to target code for remediation.
Future functionality could include providing the option of using GitHub actions to prevent incomplete files from being committed (PRs).
Does not include:
We need to create website content with a mark-down approach so that development can be easily updated. This is the issue to create a mark-down file for the "Writing About Your Automation" guide.
Action Items
Figma Board for 100 Automations Website Design