100Automations / Website

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Create a Guide: Write your Open Source Automation Creator Bio #62

Closed ExperimentsInHonesty closed 3 years ago

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 years ago


We need to create website content with a mark-down approach so that development can be easily updated. This is the issue to create a mark-down file for the "Write your Open Source Automation Creator Bio " guide.

Action Items


Figma Board for 100 Automations Website Design Content for Bio Pages Issue #86

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 years ago

title: Write your Open Source Automation Creator Bio description: People want to know the authors behind automations on our site, writing a good bio is easy once you know what to cover. status: coming soon display: true

Write your Open Source Automation Creator Bio


This is what we’ll need from you so that we can promote you in our marketing efforts.


How would you like your name to appear on the website?




Your bio should have the following elements:


Here are two examples:

Example 1: Sophia Alice

Hi, my name is Sophia and I'm a data scientist and engineer from Philadelphia. I enjoy working with data in every step of the process, from ingestion to visualization, with an emphasis on machine learning. I'm the co-leader of the Hack for LA data science community of practice.

You can see my skills and connect with me on LinkedIn, or check out my code on GitHub. For any other inquiries, please feel free to Email me.


Does not include:

Example 2: Tim Malstead

I am a full-stack software engineer and designer seeking to help make the world a more just and equitable place through the use of beautiful, intuitive and helpful software. My goal is to create software that helps solve tough problems for real people. I approach each project with a careful eye toward design, ease of use and performance. You can find me on the Home Unite Us and Food Oasis Los Angeles projects at Hack for LA.

TECHNICAL SKILLS: Front End: HTML5, CSS3, React, Next.js Back End: Express, Flask, Node.JS, AWS, Firebase Programming Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Python To see more of my technical skills, frameworks, languages, please go to my LinkedIn profile.

SOFT SKILLS: Communication, Empathy, Time-management

I love collaborating with others. Let's get in touch! GitHub | LinkedIn | My Website


Does not include:


A quote from you about automations. Add your personal flair!

Example 1:

"Automations allow us to focus on being productive instead of busy.”


Personal/ Englightend Self-interest (Internal Motivation):

What personally motivates you to create automations and contribute to our platform? (e.g. to grow certain skills, increase visibility, give back to the community, etc.)

Example 1:

I'm motivated by my drive to grow as a developer – I want to strengthen my skills in Python and Jekyll, and I want to learn how to write good, clean code by contributing to a platform with high standards. I also want to work with like-minded people who use and want to improve open-source code.

Community Impact (External Motivation):

What around you motivates you to create automations for the open-source community? Was it out of annoyance or need?

Example 1:

In 2020, the pandemic drove us to work at home, and we spent more hours on open-source work. But how do we make our work sustainable over the long run? Automations will help us achieve efficiency in open-source collaborations.


Can we use your LinkedIn profile picture? If yes, please provide your LinkedIn URL.

A good profile picture is a:

Here are 10 Tips for Picking the Right LinkedIn Profile Picture.


To propose/submit changes to this guide please [edit]() the markdown file for this guide

nahyungkim1220 commented 3 years ago

Update: I assigned myself to this card(?).

I am currently researching

Olivia-Chiong commented 3 years ago

@ExperimentsInHonesty will provide some LinkedIn profiles for reference

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 years ago

Tim Malstead: https://www.linkedin.com/in/timmalstead/ I am a full stack software engineer and designer seeking to help make the world a more just and equitable place through the use of beautiful, intuitive and helpful software. My goal is to create software that helps solve tough problems for real people. I approach each project with a careful eye toward design, ease of use and performance.

Daniel Lee A Native New Yorker and once Seoulite, Daniel embraces opportunities to create clarity and hope for complex social challenges though his design work. He found his calling in civic technology while working on initiatives for those impacted by the criminal justice system and seeing the impact of the work in people’s lives. His goal is to push digital products to be effective tools for lasting systemic and policy change.

Sophia Alice Sophia Alice is a data scientist with a mathematics degree from the University of Chicago. She has worked in education, real estate, and research. Currently working for Data Skeptic on spam detection she is also very active in the volunteer community, as a volunteer with HackforLA, on the HostHomes project, and on the leadership team for Out In Tech.

nahyungkim1220 commented 3 years ago


nahyungkim1220 commented 3 years ago

Revised Bio section

NivenPrasad commented 3 years ago

Notes on Motivation Part:

Community impact motivation (external) vs personal/enlightened self interest motivation (internal)

NivenPrasad commented 3 years ago

List technologies used in my automations. To see more of my technical skills, frameworks, languages, please go to my LinkedIn profile.

nahyungkim1220 commented 3 years ago


Next steps: chat with Sophia and Tim and fact-check with them

nahyungkim1220 commented 3 years ago

Update: Changed Bio to include their open-source volunteer activities (suggestion: the bios can be updated to include automation writing experience when we have more automation authors).

nahyungkim1220 commented 3 years ago

Issue #62 - need to contact Kian for his bio example

nahyungkim1220 commented 3 years ago

Heard back from Sophia! Updated her example. Currently getting in touch with Kian for one example of how someone would talk about their automation.

Olivia-Chiong commented 3 years ago

PR approved and merged.