Open omenking opened 4 years ago
Was taking a look at, looks decent for automated temp bans and kicks if some trolls join and get out of hand when mods aren't around.
That said this is very basic and won't suffice for the lobby like permissions, need something more custom. So this mee bot will act as a temp solution till we find something more in line with the roadmap.
@syedautherabbas MEE6 looks great. I have been to a channel before where they used AltDentifier and it was a great experience. This bot restricts access to all channels until the new user's profile is verified with a 3rd party website (Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, etc). The available verification options are customizable, I think the before mentioned three would be a great start.
If the list of available verification options only include websites where creating throwaways is difficult, it can solve most of the points mentioned by @omenking. A simple verification like this is easy to do for real users but very much discourages trolls IMO.
"You don't have to make it impossible, you just have to make it difficult enough for them not to be worth it."
Edit: I don't see GitHub as a verification option currently. I'll reach out to them and ask. Edit 2: AltDentifier does not support verification by GitHub currently.
We may not need a bot to implement these but it would be good if we had way to:
Encourage people to better identify themselves.
If we could encourage users to update their nicknames to their real names this would be good. When I say real names, I mean whatever they would use in a public social media account since it can be common practice for some to omit or their last names or substitute their last names with middle names to avoid online harassment or have their location determined through social engineering which is a legitimate reason.
Accept our Codes of Conduct and General Rules of Discord Engagement
Before people can be allowed into the other channels if we can have them read and then accept before proceeding.