100pah / echarts-simple-transform

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Sum method not giving correct result #6

Open NeeruAR opened 2 years ago

NeeruAR commented 2 years ago

I am trying to use the aggregate sum method in echart but it is not giving proper result. For the month of Mar output should be 1000, for April 210 and for August 148.

    'https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/echarts-simple-transform/dist/ecSimpleTransform.min.js'  )
).done(function (res) {

function run() {
  option = {
        dataset: [
            id: 'raw',
            dimensions: ['billAmount', 'billMonth'],
            source: [
            billMonth: 'Mar',
            billAmount: '400'
            billMonth: 'Mar',
            billAmount: '100'
            billMonth: 'Mar',
            billAmount: '500'
            billMonth: 'April',
            billAmount: '10'
            billMonth: 'April',
            billAmount: '200'
            billMonth: 'August',
            billAmount: '148'
        id: 'month',
        fromDatasetId: 'raw',
        transform: [
            type: 'filter',
            config: {
              dimension: 'billMonth',
              eq: 'Mar'
           id: 'bill_sum',
        fromDatasetId: 'raw',
        transform: [
            type: 'ecSimpleTransform:aggregate',
            config: {
              resultDimensions: [
                { from: 'billAmount', method: 'sum' },
                { from: 'billMonth' }
              groupBy: 'billMonth'
    title: {
      text: 'SUM OF BILL'
    tooltip: {
      trigger: 'axis',
      confine: true
    xAxis: {
      name: 'billMonth',
      nameLocation: 'middle',
      nameGap: 30,
      scale: true,
      type: 'category',
      boundaryGap: true,
      axisLabel: {
        interval: 0,
        fontSize: 12,
        rotate: 15
    yAxis: {
      type: 'value',
      axisLabel: {
        interval: 0,
        fontSize: 12,
        rotate: 7
    grid: {
      bottom: 100
    legend: {
      width: 330,
      type: 'scroll'
    series: [
        type: 'bar',
        datasetId: 'bill_sum',
        name: 'billamount',
        encode: {
          x: 'billMonth',
          y: 'billAmount'
        color: 'red'

Error Output : image

svedova commented 1 year ago

In my case it always skips the first row.

helgasoft commented 1 month ago

duplicate of #1