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Does this need bitcoind (Bitcoin Daemon) to run? #1

Open BTCCoffeeTable opened 5 years ago

BTCCoffeeTable commented 5 years ago

Hi PlanB,

Am I correct in my assessment that this python script may require bitcoind to run?

I ask because I am interested in putting together a robust readme.md for this project. I think it would be great to have some documentation for this and I want to help you get that started so that you can focus on the math.

While I have experience with web dev technologies (and the terminal), suffice to say that I am starting from scratch when it comes to python.

I don't mind the struggle, and enjoy learning.

I figure that once I figure out how to run this, I ought be able to put together the makings of a good readme.md first draft. Perhaps this will enable more folks so that they can look at the guts of the model that you've built... and who knows, maybe kickstart another person's journey into the quantitative realm.


P.S. - Cheers on creating a model that allows me (and I'm sure many others) to see what we have felt for quite some time.

— Eric

100trillionUSD commented 5 years ago

yes bitcoind needs to run

100trillionUSD commented 1 year ago

correction: bitcoind does NOT need to run for test.py, but you need bitcoind and other code to make the data_test file.