1024jp / GzipSwift

Swift package that enables gzip/gunzip Data using zlib
MIT License
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Xcode suggests version 6.1 but unable to resolve it #66

Open gerchicov-vg opened 1 week ago

gerchicov-vg commented 1 week ago

I was unable to add GzipSwift via Xcode as usually because Xcode suggests version and is unable to use it. I had to change the "from" version manually

dluffymonkey commented 1 week ago

I was unable to add GzipSwift via Xcode as usually because Xcode suggests version and is unable to use it. I had to change the "from" version manually


gerchicov-vg commented 1 week ago

@dluffymonkey I chose >6.0.0 and it downloaded 6.0.1. It is ok for me but I don't understand why Xcode doesn't do that automatically. In the same time tag "6.1.0" exists in this repo

dluffymonkey commented 1 week ago

de 不能自动


gerchicov-vg commented 1 week ago

I faced another situation with some pod when its new version was already released in its own GitHub repo but it wasn't "released" in cocoapods system. Is it the similar situation?

joshuagantner commented 1 day ago

=6.0.0 swift playground: "Could not resolve package graph. Cannot continue.

expected ',' separator

expected expression in container literal

failedToEvaluateManifest(description: "Build failed because the Mach-O file couldn\'t be generated.") in https://github.com/1024jp/GzipSwift"