107-systems / 107-Arduino-MCP2515

Arduino library for controlling the MCP2515 in order to receive/transmit CAN frames.
MIT License
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[Bug Report]Try to use it on esp32c3 but not work #69

Closed fgy58963 closed 1 year ago

fgy58963 commented 1 year ago

:bug: Bug Report

Describe the bug

Datasheet: Esp32c3 datasheet Hi, I am trying use this lib on esp32c3 on arduino which has 3 spi.spi 2 is for normal use. By compare de loopback example. I am define cs pin 10, int pin 3. sck pin 6, mosi pin 7, miso pin 2. replace SPI.begin() to SPI.begin(6,2,7,-1); Everything looks working but cannot call int function onReceiveBufferFull.

I am adding this code and it shows ok

if(!mcp2515.transmit(frame.id, frame.data, frame.len)) {
                          Serial.println("ERROR TX");
                          Serial.println("OK TX");

I tried other mcp2515 library and get the same result. I am also tried anoter pin define. becuz esp32c3 said spi2 could be any pins. But nothing works.

Minimum example code to replicate the bug

void setup()
    pinMode (12, OUTPUT) ;
    digitalWrite (12, HIGH) ;
//--- Start serial
    Serial.begin (115200) ;
    while (!Serial);

    /* Setup SPI access */
    pinMode(MKRCAN_MCP2515_CS_PIN, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(MKRCAN_MCP2515_CS_PIN, HIGH);

    /* Attach interrupt handler to register MCP2515 signaled by taking INT low */
    attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(MKRCAN_MCP2515_INT_PIN), [](){ mcp2515.onExternalEventHandler(); }, LOW);

    mcp2515.setBitRate(CanBitRate::BR_250kBPS_16MHZ); // CAN bit rate and MCP2515 clock speed

                  [](sCanTestFrame const frame)
                      if(!mcp2515.transmit(frame.id, frame.data, frame.len)) {
                          Serial.println("ERROR TX");
                          Serial.println("OK TX");

the terminal just shows: OK TX OK TX OK TX OK TX OK TX OK TX OK TX

Minimum configuration to replicate the bug Please provide the configuration data used to build Snowfox: