10Groups / 10groups.github.io

10Groups is a political test that measures one's political beliefs on 10 Different Categories.
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When scoring 100% one way or another on the test, it is impossible to tell which 100% side you scored. #7

Open markd315 opened 3 years ago

markd315 commented 3 years ago


When I retook the test to confirm the bug #6, I noticed that it was actually impossible to confirm the bug with these results alone. The bar is entirely grey, and the only way I know that "grey == peaceful" was to cross-reference the bug reproduction with my actual results, in which black is on the left side.

I suggest using one of three ways to resolve this.

markd315 commented 2 years ago

Dude, this is a bug report.

What is wrong with you?

I deliberately put very specific answers to trigger the bug which I suspected, so that I could write a more thorough report.

Do you not know what Github is for? It's a software engineering community. When there is an issue with software, you open this thing called an "issue", like I did.

And I am a council communist, for the record.

emnificent commented 2 years ago

This isn't the place to debate on politics, please.

emnificent commented 2 years ago

Debate whatever you want (or argue, whichever word you want to use), but not wherever you want, some places are more appropriate than others for such activity. GitHub isn't a social media, it's a platform to contribute on code or other open source projects. It requires you to be professional, personal attacks have no place here.

10Groups commented 2 years ago

Thanks for opening the issue, I'm sorry that I got back to you so late. I think the third option is the best solution to this, so thanks for the recommendations. Also, some of the messages by ProletarianBanner are removed due to their complete irrelevance to the code.

10Groups commented 2 years ago

Gosh you're angry about it now. Take this discussion somewhere else. I wish there was a way to block people in Github

ProletarianBanner commented 2 years ago

Can you delete their comments, they're literally irrelevant and disrespectful also.

10Groups commented 2 years ago

I'm not a discord mod or anything, this is not the place to reason. The issue should now be fixed anyways, let's just get this over with.