10XGenomics / cellranger

10x Genomics Single Cell Analysis
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cellranger vdj run error #156

Closed yanpinlu closed 8 months ago

yanpinlu commented 2 years ago

When I use cellranger vdj, the following problem occurs, what is the reason for the following problem with individual data, the original data is complete

[error] Pipestance failed. Error log at: count3634/SC_VDJ_ASSEMBLER_CS/SC_MULTI_CORE/MULTI_GEM_WELL_PROCESSOR/VDJ_T_GEM_WELL_PROCESSOR/SC_VDJ_CONTIG_ASSEM9547af8f/_errors Log message: Input FASTQ file ended prematurely: file: "/home/lu_yanping/data/data1/TCR/gdfastq/SRR11813634_S1_L001_R1_001.fas Waiting 6 seconds for UI to do final refresh. Pipestance failed. Use --noexit option to keep UI running after failure.

evolvedmicrobe commented 2 years ago

Please contact support@10xgenomics.com for help with this issue, it's likely that FASTQ file was corrupt