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Brcode Rank Plot y-axis scale #227

Closed MartaBenegas closed 8 months ago

MartaBenegas commented 10 months ago


Sorry if it's a dumb question, but I don't understand how the y-axis values are calculated in the Barcode Rank Plot. I've only encountered one explanation on this webpage. Here it says that the y-axis is on a logarithmic scale, but I would like to know how is it calculated.

For example, with my dataset I obtained the following result: image

If I calculate different logarithms of the median UMI counts per cell, the numbers are really far from 10k or even 1000, which is what I would expect since I assume that the cells in the final count table should fall in that region:

log10(4957) = 3'695... loge(4957) = 8'5... log2(4957) = 12'275...

Thank you in advance!

evolvedmicrobe commented 10 months ago

The scale is logarithmic in the sense that there is an order of magnitude difference between the tick marks on the axes, e.g. 1/10/100/1000/10K/etc. However, the values displayed are not log transformed, they are just the UMI counts, so the 4957 median value is between the 1K and 10K tick marks.