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Unexpected failure at chunk_reads #75

Closed jrknoedler closed 4 years ago

jrknoedler commented 4 years ago

I'm getting this error message at chunk_reads. Some details: I'm running in cluster mode on a slurm server, and the pipeline has worked with no issues as recently as a few months ago but is now failing on both new and old (i.e. previously working) fastq files. The only differences is I'm using a reference gtf with one entry manually removed, but it seems to be failing before that could possibly have been an issue.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/scratch/users/knoedler/cellranger-3.1/martian-cs/v3.2.3/adapters/python/martian_shell.py", line 589, in _main stage.main() File "/scratch/users/knoedler/cellranger-3.1/martian-cs/v3.2.3/adapters/python/martian_shell.py", line 554, in main self._run(lambda: self._module.main(args, outs)) File "/scratch/users/knoedler/cellranger-3.1/martian-cs/v3.2.3/adapters/python/martian_shell.py", line 523, in _run cmd() File "/scratch/users/knoedler/cellranger-3.1/martian-cs/v3.2.3/adapters/python/martian_shell.py", line 554, in self._run(lambda: self._module.main(args, outs)) File "/scratch/users/knoedler/cellranger-3.1/cellranger-cs/3.1/mro/stages/common/chunk_reads/init.py", line 53, in main tk_subproc.check_call(chunk_reads_args) File "/scratch/users/knoedler/cellranger-3.1/cellranger-cs/3.1/tenkit/lib/python/tenkit/log_subprocess.py", line 37, in check_call return subprocess.check_call(*args, **kwargs) File "/scratch/users/knoedler/cellranger-3.1/miniconda-cr-cs/4.3.21-miniconda-cr-cs-c10/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 186, in check_call raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) CalledProcessError: Command '['chunk_reads', '--reads-per-fastq', '5000000', '/scratch/users/knoedler/IntactMalePOA_Kiss1gtftest2/SC_RNA_COUNTER_CS/SC_RNA_COUNTER/_BASIC_SC_RNA_COUNTER/CHUNK_READS/fork0/chnk0-u16d99aa408/files/', 'fastq_chunk', '--martian-args', 'chunk_args.json', '--compress', 'lz4']' returned non-zero exit status -9

evolvedmicrobe commented 4 years ago

Hi @jrknoedler,

Please reach out to support@10xgenomics.com for quick help with his issue. An exit status of -9 means that something sent a SIGKILL to the process, and this may indicate an issue with the cluster configuration, or some other problem, that they'll be able to help you with.

Cheers, Nigel