10XGenomics / cellranger

10x Genomics Single Cell Analysis
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Unable to distinguish between [SC5P-R2, SC3Pv2] chemistries based on the R2 read mapping for Sample #92

Closed CadenZhao closed 3 years ago

CadenZhao commented 4 years ago

Fastqs downloaded from SRA: image

My shell scripts to iteratively run cellranger count:



for i in `ls ${fq_dir}`
    cellranger count --id=${i} --fastqs=${sample} --transcriptome=${ref_dir} --localcores=32

ERROR I got: image

Among 14 samples, 7 can be processed successfully: image

One ERROR is different from others: image I fount this file size is different from the file in SRA, I'll re-download it.

But file sizes in the other 6 ERRORs are same as files in SRA. How should I debug it?

Thank you very much!

CadenZhao commented 4 years ago

BTW, software version: cellranger 4.0.0

dadkhahk commented 3 years ago

@CadenZhao I wondered if you got any response from 10x to this issue as I got the same error message for several samples recently. Thanks! Kimia

evolvedmicrobe commented 3 years ago

Please contact support@10xgenomics.com for help with this issue.

longrw commented 3 years ago

@CadenZhao @evolvedmicrobe @dadkhahk i wonder if you got any response from 10X to this issue as i got the same error message. Thinks! longrw

dadkhahk commented 3 years ago

Not here. 10x usually doesn't respond here and they are more responsive through email. They will ask for some files to be provided so they can figure out the issue: support@10xgenomics.com

longrw commented 3 years ago

In order to distinguish between the 3' vs 5' assay configuration the following conditions need to be satisfied:

  • A minimum of 1000 confidently mapped reads
  • A minimum of 5.0% of the total reads considered needs to be confidently mapped
  • The number of sense reads need to be at least 2x compared to the antisense reads or vice versa

Please validate the inputs and/or specify the chemistry via the --chemistry argument.
