10XGenomics / cellranger

10x Genomics Single Cell Analysis
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file not found when running cellranger with a smb cifs mount share #96

Closed aurelBZH closed 3 years ago

aurelBZH commented 3 years ago

Hi, i really appreciate your software, i use for featurebarcoding and vdj assessment on single cell data. I have cellranger-4.0 installed on a virtual machine, it works perfectly when i run it on data uploaded on the virtual machine but when i try to run it on data stored on a server mounted on the virtual machin with cifs cellranger return the error message below:

error: No input FASTQs were found for the requested parameters.

even when i try with a symbolic link it don't work either.

the smbshare server is mounted with : sudo mount -t cifs -o user=,uid= //ip/RepSeq /RepSeq/

any help would be very much appreciated

thanks in advance

Aurélien Béliard Bioinformatician sorbonne university i3lab

evolvedmicrobe commented 3 years ago

Hi, please contact support@10xgenomics.com for more help with this issue.