Step 1: Analyze the current height adjustment implementation
The height adjustment for the textarea seems to be done in the adjustTextAreaHeight function and the function is called in a few places, including React.useLayoutEffect.
Step 2: Improve the height adjustment implementation
To fix the issue of extra line space, we will modify the adjustTextAreaHeight function to properly handle the textarea height and make sure it fits the content without any extra space.
Modified Code:
function adjustTextAreaHeight(target: HTMLTextAreaElement) { = "auto"; // Reset the height to auto before getting scrollHeight
const paddingTop = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue("padding-top"), 10); // Get the padding-top value
const paddingBottom = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue("padding-bottom"), 10); // Get the padding-bottom value = target.scrollHeight - paddingTop - paddingBottom + "px"; // Subtract paddingTop and paddingBottom from scrollHeight to account for extra space
Here's the modification, added by padding calculations to offset extra space from the scrollHeight calculation. This should fix the issue with an additional line being added.
I am going to modify the adjustTextAreaHeight function to properly handle the textarea height and make sure it fits the content without any extra space. I will do this by adding padding calculations to offset extra space from the scrollHeight calculation.
function adjustTextAreaHeight(target: HTMLTextAreaElement) {
// = "auto"; = target.scrollHeight + "px";
function adjustTextAreaHeight(target: HTMLTextAreaElement) { = "auto"; // Reset the height to auto before getting scrollHeight
const paddingTop = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue("padding-top"), 10); // Get the padding-top value
const paddingBottom = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue("padding-bottom"), 10); // Get the padding-bottom value = target.scrollHeight - paddingTop - paddingBottom + "px"; // Subtract paddingTop and paddingBottom from scrollHeight to account for extra space
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Stage 1: Starting ... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
File: Execution.tsx Task: It seems that the height adjustment for textarea is not working correctly, sometimes it adds an additional line.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Stage 2: Understanding ... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Classification: LocalChange
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Stage 3: Conceptualising ... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Step 1: Analyze the current height adjustment implementation
Step 2: Improve the height adjustment implementation
Modified Code:
Here's the modification, added by padding calculations to offset extra space from the scrollHeight calculation. This should fix the issue with an additional line being added.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Stage 4: Preparing Changes ... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
I am going to modify the adjustTextAreaHeight function to properly handle the textarea height and make sure it fits the content without any extra space. I will do this by adding padding calculations to offset extra space from the scrollHeight calculation.
REPLACE function adjustTextAreaHeight(target: HTMLTextAreaElement) { // = "auto"; = target.scrollHeight + "px"; } WITH function adjustTextAreaHeight(target: HTMLTextAreaElement) { = "auto"; // Reset the height to auto before getting scrollHeight const paddingTop = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue("padding-top"), 10); // Get the padding-top value const paddingBottom = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue("padding-bottom"), 10); // Get the padding-bottom value = target.scrollHeight - paddingTop - paddingBottom + "px"; // Subtract paddingTop and paddingBottom from scrollHeight to account for extra space
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Stage 5: Applying Changes ... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Stage 6: Preparing Changes (retry) ... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Stage 7: Applying Changes (retry) ... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Stage 8: Applying changes as comment (fall back) ... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Stage 9: Finishing ... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Finished (Execution Time: 00:01:03)