10se1ucgo / DisableWinTracking

Uses some known methods that attempt to minimize tracking in Windows 10
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
4.97k stars 369 forks source link

Failed to remove service 'DiagTrack' #380

Closed ghost closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago



11:21:31 INFO: Python 2.7.13 (v2.7.13:a06454b1afa1, Dec 17 2016, 20:42:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
11:21:31 INFO: ('Windows', 'S340', '10', '10.0.14393', 'AMD64', 'Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel')
11:21:31 INFO: DisableWinTracking version 3.2.1
11:22:26 INFO: DiagTrack: Successfully deleted service 'DiagTrack'
11:22:26 INFO: DiagTrack: Completed Part 1/3
11:22:26 INFO: DiagTrack: Successfully deleted service 'dmwappushservice'
11:22:26 INFO: DiagTrack: Completed Part 2/3
11:22:26 INFO: DiagTrack: Successfully erased tracking log.
11:22:26 INFO: DiagTrack: Completed Part 3/3
11:22:26 INFO: DiagTrack: Completed successfully, without errors.
11:22:26 ERROR: Services: Failed to remove service 'DiagTrack'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "dwt_util.py", line 168, in delete_service
  File "site-packages\win32\lib\win32serviceutil.py", line 303, in RemoveService
error: (1072, 'DeleteService', 'The specified service has been marked for deletion.')
11:22:27 INFO: Registry: Successfully modified dmwappushsvc key.
11:22:27 INFO: Registry: Successfully modified DiagTrack key.
11:22:27 INFO: Registry: Successfully modified AllowTelemetry key.
11:22:28 INFO: Registry: Successfully modified WifiSense Open-ness key.
11:22:28 INFO: Registry: Successfully modified WifiSense Credential Share key.
11:22:28 INFO: Registry: Successfully modified ListPin key.
11:22:28 INFO: Registry: Successfully modified ListPin64Bit key.
11:22:28 INFO: Registry: Successfully modified FileSync key.
11:22:28 INFO: OneDrive: unable to uninstall. Exited with code: 1 - ('', "'C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\OneDriveSetup.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,\r\noperable program or batch file.\r\n")
11:22:28 INFO: Done. It's recommended that you reboot as soon as possible for the full effect.
11:22:28 INFO: If you feel something didn't work properly, please press the 'Report an issue' button and follow the directions

Just wondering if that error is worth doing something about or if it's irrelevant

monsieurpouet commented 6 years ago

Same issue !

DeeJayhX commented 6 years ago
error: (1072, 'DeleteService', 'The specified service has been marked for deletion.')

It will be deleted on startup, this is a non-issue. The service has been successfully removed after that. I need to modify the logging to reflect that this actually isn't an issue when, if ever, I have a free moment of time.

I thought I fixed it on line 116 of dwt_util.py, but apparently there's still some issue there. Rest assured yours both completed successfully and you're good to go!