10secondsofcode / react-blink-text

A simple react blink component for any html tag
MIT License
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Improve react blink component #6

Open elangosundar opened 4 years ago

elangosundar commented 4 years ago

Improve some feature or suggestions for react blink components.

morijenab commented 4 years ago

Is this the file that need to be work on? https://github.com/10secondsofcode/react-blink-text/blob/master/lib/ReactBlinkText.js

elangosundar commented 4 years ago

@Morteza-Jenabzadeh Nope, just improve this component https://github.com/10secondsofcode/react-blink-text/blob/master/src/ReactBlinkText.js

allysonjeronimo commented 4 years ago

Is there className param support on Blink? Can I implement it. Might be useful in case we want to use a custom css class instead of the color, font or other built in params.

10-seconds commented 4 years ago

Is there className param support on Blink? Can I implement it. Might be useful in case we want to use a custom css class instead of the color, font or other built in params.
