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search_fields meta_query showing no results #1192

Closed peterjohnhunt closed 5 years ago

peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

Have you searched for similar issues before submitting this one? Yes

Is this a bug, question or feature request? Bug

Describe the issue you encountered:

Current WordPress version: 5.0.1

Current ElasticPress version: 2.7.0

Current Elasticsearch version: not sure

Where do you host your Elasticsearch server: elasticpress.io

Other plugins installed (WooCommerce, Simple Redirect Manager, etc..):

| name                                | status   | update | version |
| Gravity-Forms-ACF-Field             | active   | none   | 1.1.0   |
| advanced-custom-fields-pro          | active   | none   | 5.7.9   |
| all-in-one-webmaster                | active   | none   | 15.0    |
| autoptimize                         | active   | none   | 2.4.4   |
| auto-upload-images                  | active   | none   | 3.1.1   |
| classic-editor                      | active   | none   | 1.3     |
| debug-bar                           | active   | none   | 1.0     |
| debug-bar-actions-and-filters-addon | active   | none   | 1.5.4   |
| debug-bar-constants                 | active   | none   | 2.0.0   |
| debug-bar-elasticpress              | active   | none   | 1.3     |
| debug-bar-list-dependencies         | active   | none   | 1.1     |
| debug-bar-post-types                | active   | none   | 2.0.0   |
| debug-bar-slow-actions              | active   | none   | 0.8.4   |
| debug-bar-taxonomies                | active   | none   | 2.0.0   |
| debug-bar-transients                | active   | none   | 0.5     |
| elasticpress                        | active   | none   | 2.7.0   |
| gravityforms                        | active   | none   | 2.4.3   |
| gravityformswebhooks                | active   | none   | 1.1     |
| Basic-Auth-master                   | active   | none   | 0.1     |
| post-duplicator                     | active   | none   | 2.20    |
| query-monitor                       | active   | none   | 3.2.2   |
| simple-custom-post-order            | active   | none   | 2.3.9   |
| wordpress-importer                  | active   | none   | 0.6.4   |
| wp-all-import-pro                   | active   | none   | 4.5.5   |
| wp-crontrol                         | active   | none   | 1.6.2   |
| wordpress-seo                       | active   | none   | 9.3     |

Steps to reproduce:

I chatted with support (Thorsten Ott) for a bit to determine why searching by meta field wasn't working for my site. He walked me through a bunch of debugging including re-indexing etc and recommended i submit a bug report here. Here are the details

Using a default WP_Query of:

    $args = array(
        'ep_integrate'  => false,
        'post_type'     => 'product',
        'meta_query' => array(
                'key'   => 'isbn',
                'value' => '9781462753673',
                'compare' => '=',

    $query = new WP_Query( $args );

    _log( $query );

Returns this:

WP_Query Object
    [query] => Array
            [ep_integrate] => 
            [post_type] => product
            [meta_query] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [key] => isbn
                            [value] => 9781462753673
                            [compare] => =



    [query_vars] => Array
            [ep_integrate] => 
            [post_type] => product
            [meta_query] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [key] => isbn
                            [value] => 9781462753673
                            [compare] => =


            [error] => 
            [m] => 
            [p] => 0
            [post_parent] => 
            [subpost] => 
            [subpost_id] => 
            [attachment] => 
            [attachment_id] => 0
            [name] => 
            [static] => 
            [pagename] => 
            [page_id] => 0
            [second] => 
            [minute] => 
            [hour] => 
            [day] => 0
            [monthnum] => 0
            [year] => 0
            [w] => 0
            [category_name] => 
            [tag] => 
            [cat] => 
            [tag_id] => 
            [author] => 
            [author_name] => 
            [feed] => 
            [tb] => 
            [paged] => 0
            [meta_key] => 
            [meta_value] => 
            [preview] => 
            [s] => 
            [sentence] => 
            [title] => 
            [fields] => 
            [menu_order] => 
            [embed] => 
            [category__in] => Array

            [category__not_in] => Array

            [category__and] => Array

            [post__in] => Array

            [post__not_in] => Array

            [post_name__in] => Array

            [tag__in] => Array

            [tag__not_in] => Array

            [tag__and] => Array

            [tag_slug__in] => Array

            [tag_slug__and] => Array

            [post_parent__in] => Array

            [post_parent__not_in] => Array

            [author__in] => Array

            [author__not_in] => Array

            [ignore_sticky_posts] => 
            [suppress_filters] => 
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            [nopaging] => 
            [comments_per_page] => 50
            [no_found_rows] => 
            [order] => DESC

    [tax_query] => WP_Tax_Query Object
            [queries] => Array

            [relation] => AND
            [table_aliases:protected] => Array

            [queried_terms] => Array

            [primary_table] => wp_posts
            [primary_id_column] => ID

    [meta_query] => WP_Meta_Query Object
            [queries] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [key] => isbn
                            [value] => 9781462753673
                            [compare] => =

                    [relation] => OR

            [relation] => AND
            [meta_table] => wp_postmeta
            [meta_id_column] => post_id
            [primary_table] => wp_posts
            [primary_id_column] => ID
            [table_aliases:protected] => Array
                    [0] => wp_postmeta

            [clauses:protected] => Array
                    [wp_postmeta] => Array
                            [key] => isbn
                            [value] => 9781462753673
                            [compare] => =
                            [alias] => wp_postmeta
                            [cast] => CHAR


            [has_or_relation:protected] => 

    [date_query] => 
    [request] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS  wp_posts.ID FROM wp_posts  INNER JOIN wp_postmeta ON ( wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id ) WHERE 1=1  AND ( 
  ( wp_postmeta.meta_key = 'isbn' AND wp_postmeta.meta_value = '9781462753673' )
) AND wp_posts.post_type = 'product' AND (wp_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR wp_posts.post_status = 'acf-disabled' OR wp_posts.post_status = 'private') GROUP BY wp_posts.ID ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 8
    [posts] => Array
            [0] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 23640
                    [post_author] => 2
                    [post_date] => 2017-11-15 06:00:00
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2017-11-15 06:00:00
                    [post_content] => The <em>CSB Disciple&rsquo;s Study Bible</em> guides an individual&rsquo;s journey in following Jesus, by featuring discipleship themed study notes, as well as tools and resources that equip Christians to disciple others. Included is the Foundations 260 Reading Plan, featuring 260 concise daily readings with commentary from Pastor Robby Gallaty and ample page space to engage the text and journal via the H.E.A.R journaling method (<em>Highlight-Explain-Apply-Respond</em>). With additional articles on discipleship from the team at Replicate Ministries, The<em> Disciple&rsquo;s Study Bible</em> will help foster engagement and practical application of God&rsquo;s Word in the life of a disciple on a daily basis.<br />  <br /> Features include: Introduction to The <em>CSB Disciple&rsquo;s Study Bible</em> and Foundations 260 (<em>F260</em>) reading plan by Pastor Robby Gallaty, discipleship themed study notes, F260 Reading plan with commentary and H.E.A.R journaling space, discipleship articles from the team at Replicate Ministries, book introductions featuring timelines, outlines, and contribution to the Bible, center-column cross-references, topical subheadings, two-column text, concordance, smyth-sewn binding, presentation Section, and full-color maps.<br />  <br /> The <em>CSB Disciple&rsquo;s Study Bible</em> features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible&reg; (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible&#39;s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture&#39;s life-transforming message and to share it with others. 
                    [post_title] => CSB Disciple's Study Bible, Hardcover
                    [post_excerpt] => The Disciple&rsquo;s Study Bible guides an individual&rsquo;s journey in following Jesus, by featuring study notes focused on discipleship, as well as a reading plan, journaling space and additional articles that equip Christians to disciple others.
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => open
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => csb-disciple-s-study-bible-hardcover
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2018-12-10 11:54:25
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2018-12-10 17:54:25
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 27058
                    [guid] => https://mysite.com/?post_type=product&#038;p=23640
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => product
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                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw


    [post_count] => 1
    [current_post] => -1
    [in_the_loop] => 
    [post] => WP_Post Object
            [ID] => 23640
            [post_author] => 2
            [post_date] => 2017-11-15 06:00:00
            [post_date_gmt] => 2017-11-15 06:00:00
            [post_content] => The <em>CSB Disciple&rsquo;s Study Bible</em> guides an individual&rsquo;s journey in following Jesus, by featuring discipleship themed study notes, as well as tools and resources that equip Christians to disciple others. Included is the Foundations 260 Reading Plan, featuring 260 concise daily readings with commentary from Pastor Robby Gallaty and ample page space to engage the text and journal via the H.E.A.R journaling method (<em>Highlight-Explain-Apply-Respond</em>). With additional articles on discipleship from the team at Replicate Ministries, The<em> Disciple&rsquo;s Study Bible</em> will help foster engagement and practical application of God&rsquo;s Word in the life of a disciple on a daily basis.<br />  <br /> Features include: Introduction to The <em>CSB Disciple&rsquo;s Study Bible</em> and Foundations 260 (<em>F260</em>) reading plan by Pastor Robby Gallaty, discipleship themed study notes, F260 Reading plan with commentary and H.E.A.R journaling space, discipleship articles from the team at Replicate Ministries, book introductions featuring timelines, outlines, and contribution to the Bible, center-column cross-references, topical subheadings, two-column text, concordance, smyth-sewn binding, presentation Section, and full-color maps.<br />  <br /> The <em>CSB Disciple&rsquo;s Study Bible</em> features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible&reg; (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible&#39;s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture&#39;s life-transforming message and to share it with others. 
            [post_title] => CSB Disciple's Study Bible, Hardcover
            [post_excerpt] => The Disciple&rsquo;s Study Bible guides an individual&rsquo;s journey in following Jesus, by featuring study notes focused on discipleship, as well as a reading plan, journaling space and additional articles that equip Christians to disciple others.
            [post_status] => publish
            [comment_status] => closed
            [ping_status] => open
            [post_password] => 
            [post_name] => csb-disciple-s-study-bible-hardcover
            [to_ping] => 
            [pinged] => 
            [post_modified] => 2018-12-10 11:54:25
            [post_modified_gmt] => 2018-12-10 17:54:25
            [post_content_filtered] => 
            [post_parent] => 27058
            [guid] => https://mysite.com/?post_type=product&#038;p=23640
            [menu_order] => 0
            [post_type] => product
            [post_mime_type] => 
            [comment_count] => 0
            [filter] => raw

    [comment_count] => 0
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    [is_category] => 
    [is_tag] => 
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    [is_comment_feed] => 
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    [query_vars_hash:WP_Query:private] => c1c0ef63fd2d28e919f511b371ac8413
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    [thumbnails_cached] => 
    [stopwords:WP_Query:private] => 
    [compat_fields:WP_Query:private] => Array
            [0] => query_vars_hash
            [1] => query_vars_changed

    [compat_methods:WP_Query:private] => Array
            [0] => init_query_flags
            [1] => parse_tax_query


Versus an ElasticPress query of:

    $args = array(
        's'          => '9781462753673',
        'post_type'  => 'product',
        'meta_query' => array(
                'key'   => 'isbn',
                'value' => '9781462753673',
                'compare' => '=',

    $query = new WP_Query( $args );

    _log( $query );

which returns no results with:

WP_Query Object
    [query] => Array
            [s] => 9781462753673
            [post_type] => product
            [meta_query] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [key] => isbn
                            [value] => 9781462753673
                            [compare] => =



    [query_vars] => Array
            [s] => 9781462753673
            [post_type] => product
            [meta_query] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [key] => isbn
                            [value] => 9781462753673
                            [compare] => =


            [error] => 
            [m] => 
            [p] => 0
            [post_parent] => 
            [subpost] => 
            [subpost_id] => 
            [attachment] => 
            [attachment_id] => 0
            [name] => 
            [static] => 
            [pagename] => 
            [page_id] => 0
            [second] => 
            [minute] => 
            [hour] => 
            [day] => 0
            [monthnum] => 0
            [year] => 0
            [w] => 0
            [category_name] => 
            [tag] => 
            [cat] => 
            [tag_id] => 
            [author] => 
            [author_name] => 
            [feed] => 
            [tb] => 
            [paged] => 0
            [meta_key] => 
            [meta_value] => 
            [preview] => 
            [sentence] => 
            [title] => 
            [fields] => 
            [menu_order] => 
            [embed] => 
            [category__in] => Array

            [category__not_in] => Array

            [category__and] => Array

            [post__in] => Array

            [post__not_in] => Array

            [post_name__in] => Array

            [tag__in] => Array

            [tag__not_in] => Array

            [tag__and] => Array

            [tag_slug__in] => Array

            [tag_slug__and] => Array

            [post_parent__in] => Array

            [post_parent__not_in] => Array

            [author__in] => Array

            [author__not_in] => Array

            [cache_results] => 
            [search_fields] => Array
                    [0] => post_title
                    [1] => post_content
                    [2] => post_excerpt
                    [3] => author_name
                    [taxonomies] => Array
                            [0] => post_tag
                            [1] => category


            [ignore_sticky_posts] => 
            [suppress_filters] => 
            [update_post_term_cache] => 1
            [lazy_load_term_meta] => 1
            [update_post_meta_cache] => 1
            [posts_per_page] => 8
            [nopaging] => 
            [comments_per_page] => 50
            [no_found_rows] => 
            [search_terms_count] => 1
            [search_terms] => Array
                    [0] => 9781462753673

            [search_orderby_title] => Array
                    [0] => wp_posts.post_title LIKE '{ace3a51304546fc869840bfda44a0743696d73b684b4bf52f18a62bb12f14e97}9781462753673{ace3a51304546fc869840bfda44a0743696d73b684b4bf52f18a62bb12f14e97}'

            [order] => DESC

    [tax_query] => WP_Tax_Query Object
            [queries] => Array

            [relation] => AND
            [table_aliases:protected] => Array

            [queried_terms] => Array

            [primary_table] => wp_posts
            [primary_id_column] => ID

    [meta_query] => WP_Meta_Query Object
            [queries] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [key] => isbn
                            [value] => 9781462753673
                            [compare] => =

                    [relation] => OR

            [relation] => AND
            [meta_table] => wp_postmeta
            [meta_id_column] => post_id
            [primary_table] => wp_posts
            [primary_id_column] => ID
            [table_aliases:protected] => Array
                    [0] => wp_postmeta

            [clauses:protected] => Array
                    [wp_postmeta] => Array
                            [key] => isbn
                            [value] => 9781462753673
                            [compare] => =
                            [alias] => wp_postmeta
                            [cast] => CHAR


            [has_or_relation:protected] => 

    [date_query] => 
    [request] => SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE 1=0
    [posts] => Array

    [post_count] => 0
    [current_post] => -1
    [in_the_loop] => 
    [comment_count] => 0
    [current_comment] => -1
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    [is_preview] => 
    [is_page] => 
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    [is_date] => 
    [is_year] => 
    [is_month] => 
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    [is_time] => 
    [is_author] => 
    [is_category] => 
    [is_tag] => 
    [is_tax] => 
    [is_search] => 1
    [is_feed] => 
    [is_comment_feed] => 
    [is_trackback] => 
    [is_home] => 
    [is_404] => 
    [is_embed] => 
    [is_paged] => 
    [is_admin] => 
    [is_attachment] => 
    [is_singular] => 
    [is_robots] => 
    [is_posts_page] => 
    [is_post_type_archive] => 1
    [query_vars_hash:WP_Query:private] => 2ee2112dd5bcacddb9514f7aa73ff88e
    [query_vars_changed:WP_Query:private] => 1
    [thumbnails_cached] => 
    [stopwords:WP_Query:private] => Array
            [0] => about
            [1] => an
            [2] => are
            [3] => as
            [4] => at
            [5] => be
            [6] => by
            [7] => com
            [8] => for
            [9] => from
            [10] => how
            [11] => in
            [12] => is
            [13] => it
            [14] => of
            [15] => on
            [16] => or
            [17] => that
            [18] => the
            [19] => this
            [20] => to
            [21] => was
            [22] => what
            [23] => when
            [24] => where
            [25] => who
            [26] => will
            [27] => with
            [28] => www

    [compat_fields:WP_Query:private] => Array
            [0] => query_vars_hash
            [1] => query_vars_changed

    [compat_methods:WP_Query:private] => Array
            [0] => init_query_flags
            [1] => parse_tax_query

    [elasticsearch_success] => 1
oscarssanchez commented 5 years ago

Hi @peterjohnhunt , thanks for raising the issue!

I see you have the debug bar installed, that will be very helpful to help with this, could you please paste the Query Body that went to ElasticSearch and the response?

I see you are not getting the product with ElasticPress, having an error message from ES would be a great starting point for me, hope we can solve this quick :)


peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

Hey @oscarssanchez! Thanks for the quick response! Yes, here is the output from the debug bar:

Also a quick note from looking at the elasticpress.io endpoint mapping, it looks like it has the field "isbn" that we are trying to search for listed as a boolean.

Query Args:

array (size=69)
  'post_type' => string 'product' (length=7)
  's' => string '9781462753673' (length=13)
  'meta_query' => 
    array (size=1)
      0 => 
        array (size=3)
          'key' => string 'isbn' (length=4)
          'value' => string '9781462753673' (length=13)
          'compare' => string '=' (length=1)
  'error' => string '' (length=0)
  'm' => string '' (length=0)
  'p' => int 0
  'post_parent' => string '' (length=0)
  'subpost' => string '' (length=0)
  'subpost_id' => string '' (length=0)
  'attachment' => string '' (length=0)
  'attachment_id' => int 0
  'name' => string '' (length=0)
  'static' => string '' (length=0)
  'pagename' => string '' (length=0)
  'page_id' => int 0
  'second' => string '' (length=0)
  'minute' => string '' (length=0)
  'hour' => string '' (length=0)
  'day' => int 0
  'monthnum' => int 0
  'year' => int 0
  'w' => int 0
  'category_name' => string '' (length=0)
  'tag' => string '' (length=0)
  'cat' => string '' (length=0)
  'tag_id' => string '' (length=0)
  'author' => string '' (length=0)
  'author_name' => string '' (length=0)
  'feed' => string '' (length=0)
  'tb' => string '' (length=0)
  'paged' => int 0
  'meta_key' => string '' (length=0)
  'meta_value' => string '' (length=0)
  'preview' => string '' (length=0)
  'sentence' => string '' (length=0)
  'title' => string '' (length=0)
  'fields' => string '' (length=0)
  'menu_order' => string '' (length=0)
  'embed' => string '' (length=0)
  'category__in' => 
    array (size=0)
  'category__not_in' => 
    array (size=0)
  'category__and' => 
    array (size=0)
  'post__in' => 
    array (size=0)
  'post__not_in' => 
    array (size=0)
  'post_name__in' => 
    array (size=0)
  'tag__in' => 
    array (size=0)
  'tag__not_in' => 
    array (size=0)
  'tag__and' => 
    array (size=0)
  'tag_slug__in' => 
    array (size=0)
  'tag_slug__and' => 
    array (size=0)
  'post_parent__in' => 
    array (size=0)
  'post_parent__not_in' => 
    array (size=0)
  'author__in' => 
    array (size=0)
  'author__not_in' => 
    array (size=0)
  'cache_results' => boolean false
  'search_fields' => 
    array (size=5)
      0 => string 'post_title' (length=10)
      1 => string 'post_content' (length=12)
      2 => string 'post_excerpt' (length=12)
      3 => string 'author_name' (length=11)
      'taxonomies' => 
        array (size=2)
          0 => string 'post_tag' (length=8)
          1 => string 'category' (length=8)
  'ignore_sticky_posts' => boolean false
  'suppress_filters' => boolean false
  'update_post_term_cache' => boolean true
  'lazy_load_term_meta' => boolean true
  'update_post_meta_cache' => boolean true
  'posts_per_page' => int 8
  'nopaging' => boolean false
  'comments_per_page' => string '50' (length=2)
  'no_found_rows' => boolean false
  'search_terms_count' => int 1
  'search_terms' => 
    array (size=1)
      0 => string '9781462753673' (length=13)
  'search_orderby_title' => 
    array (size=1)
      0 => string 'wp_posts.post_title LIKE '{670d77268ebd6acb288729650b0d7031760254d818d793dfb08978fd28726896}9781462753673{670d77268ebd6acb288729650b0d7031760254d818d793dfb08978fd28726896}'' (length=172)
  'order' => string 'DESC' (length=4)

Query Body:

    "from": 0,
    "size": 8,
    "sort": [
            "_score": {
                "order": "desc"
    "query": {
        "function_score": {
            "query": {
                "bool": {
                    "should": [
                            "multi_match": {
                                "query": "9781462753673",
                                "type": "phrase",
                                "fields": [
                                "boost": 4
                            "multi_match": {
                                "query": "9781462753673",
                                "fields": [
                                "boost": 2,
                                "fuzziness": 0,
                                "operator": "and"
                            "multi_match": {
                                "fields": [
                                "query": "9781462753673",
                                "fuzziness": 1
            "exp": {
                "post_date_gmt": {
                    "scale": "14d",
                    "decay": 0.25,
                    "offset": "7d"
            "score_mode": "avg",
            "boost_mode": "sum"
    "post_filter": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "bool": {
                        "must": [
                                "terms": {
                                    "meta.isbn.raw": [
                    "term": {
                        "post_type.raw": "product"
                    "terms": {
                        "post_status": [

Query Response Code: 200 Query response:

    "took": 9,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 5,
        "successful": 5,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": 0,
        "max_score": null,
        "hits": []
oscarssanchez commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the information @peterjohnhunt ,

I think this would be an issue with mappings, as ES would search for an integer or string but found a boolean field instead.

May I ask how is the ISBN meta generated so I can reproduce the problem?

peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

Hey @oscarssanchez, so this was setup as an ACF text field. It may not be filled in on all posts, but it is working for all other situations (including a search without EP).

Let me know what else would be helpful to help you recreate it. I'm also happy to get you delegated access to the staging site in question if that helps speed things along!

peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

Only other thing i can think of is that a lot of these posts get auto updated via a programatic wp_update_post function as part of the 'meta_input' array.

oscarssanchez commented 5 years ago

Hey @peterjohnhunt thanks!, i can confirm the same result with a text field from ACF. I will look into it and update once I find the problem.

oscarssanchez commented 5 years ago

Hi @peterjohnhunt ,

Turns out this was not a bug and mappings were just fine, sorry about that!

The solution for this is to set isbn as a search field for woocommerce queries, you can use the 'shop_order_search_fields' filter to add it : https://github.com/10up/ElasticPress/blob/develop/features/woocommerce/woocommerce.php#L431

After that, your initial query, with ep_integrate set to true should work flawless:

        $args = array(
            'ep_integrate'  => true,
            'post_type'     => 'product',
            'meta_query' => array(
                    'key'   => 'isbn',
                    'value' => '9781462753673',
                    'compare' => '=',

        $query = new WP_Query( $args );

Whenever you add a new search field for your products, remember to add it in case you want to search it from a search box or when setting 's' explicitly.

Hope the query works out now! and please let us know if the issue persist or not :)

peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

Hey @oscarssanchez! I'm actually not using woocommerce though i do have a custom post type named product. Do i need to do something else since i'm not using woocommerce?

oscarssanchez commented 5 years ago

Sure @peterjohnhunt there's also the ep_search_fields filter :


Hope this works for your case!

peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

Ok, just to make sure i'm tracking, you're saying the meta fields were indexed fine and are in the elasticpress.io server ok, but i need to enable them on my side to be used via the ep_search_fields filter? Or that i need that to re-index stuff correctly?

My end goal is actually to have this as my query:

$args = array(
    's'          => '9781462753673',
    'post_type'  => 'product',
    'search_fields' => array(
        'taxonomies' => array( 'product_contributor', 'product_category', 'product_tag', 'product_format', 'product_feature', 'product_color' ),
        'meta' => array( 'isbn', 'lin' ),

$query = new WP_Query( $args );

and a search to result with that ISBN, however in testing with Thorsten Ott he mentioned i use the meta_query method for testing as it was more clear to help determine the underlying issue.

Does filling in search_fields do the same thing as using the ep_search_fields filter? If so, i can post the query results for that, as I believe in Thorsten and my testing that still resulted in no results!

peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

Thanks again @oscarssanchez for all the help, and the quick turn around too! Hopefully i can get this wrapped up and will be all good!

oscarssanchez commented 5 years ago

@peterjohnhunt That should be right!

I noticed i did not have issues with post_type: product since this is a post_type created by woocommerce, hence it is indexed.

However, when trying to reproduce the same query without it, it did not return any results, makes sense since there's no post_type field to search once woocommerce is disabled! Could you check this please?

You can easily check if there's a post_type product in your elasticpress.io server, please do the following:

Hit this URL http://youresserver/_cat/indices?v (youresserver = your elasticpress.io endpoint . Please do not share this info here) with a GET request and copy your index name (for this, you will need to enter your username and token (password) as basic authorization):


After this, hit this URL http://youresserver/indexname/_search?pretty=true with this POST request:

    "stored_fields" : ["post_type"],
    "query" : {
        "term" : { "post_type" : "product" }

If the post type product is indexed, you should get some results to show. If not, you would need to add them, can you paste the code to check how are you creating the post_type in case you don't get results to show ?


peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

I did get some results following those steps! the search has been working fine for us in relation to title, content, and excerpt it would seem as we are already using that successfully in production! It only appears not to be working for meta keys/values whether we do it via meta_query, or search_fields

peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

For reference, here is the result of that POST request for post_type product:

  "took": 6,
  "timed_out": false,
  "_shards": {
    "total": 5,
    "successful": 5,
    "failed": 0
  "hits": {
    "total": 6747,
    "max_score": 2.046869,
    "hits": [
        "_index": "myserverurl",
        "_type": "post",
        "_id": "95059",
        "_score": 2.046869
        "_index": "myserverurl",
        "_type": "post",
        "_id": "95055",
        "_score": 2.046869
        "_index": "myserverurl",
        "_type": "post",
        "_id": "95050",
        "_score": 2.046869
        "_index": "myserverurl",
        "_type": "post",
        "_id": "95005",
        "_score": 2.046869
        "_index": "myserverurl",
        "_type": "post",
        "_id": "95002",
        "_score": 2.046869
        "_index": "myserverurl",
        "_type": "post",
        "_id": "94938",
        "_score": 2.046869
        "_index": "myserverurl",
        "_type": "post",
        "_id": "94894",
        "_score": 2.046869
        "_index": "myserverurl",
        "_type": "post",
        "_id": "94890",
        "_score": 2.046869
        "_index": "myserverurl",
        "_type": "post",
        "_id": "94529",
        "_score": 2.046869
        "_index": "myserverurl",
        "_type": "post",
        "_id": "94515",
        "_score": 2.046869
peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

here is the full query body going to the elastic search server when i use the search_fields:

    "from": 0,
    "size": 8,
    "sort": [
            "_score": {
                "order": "desc"
    "query": {
        "function_score": {
            "query": {
                "bool": {
                    "should": [
                            "multi_match": {
                                "query": "9781462753673",
                                "type": "phrase",
                                "fields": [
                                "boost": 4
                            "multi_match": {
                                "query": "9781462753673",
                                "fields": [
                                "boost": 2,
                                "fuzziness": 0,
                                "operator": "and"
                            "multi_match": {
                                "fields": [
                                "query": "9781462753673",
                                "fuzziness": 1
            "exp": {
                "post_date_gmt": {
                    "scale": "14d",
                    "decay": 0.25,
                    "offset": "7d"
            "score_mode": "avg",
            "boost_mode": "sum"
    "post_filter": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "term": {
                        "post_type.raw": "product"
                    "terms": {
                        "post_status": [
oscarssanchez commented 5 years ago

Hey @peterjohnhunt I've been poking around with this with a custom post_type product with some ISBN meta, but this seems unusual because setting the search_fields and a meta query like this works for me:

    $args = array(
        's'          => '9781462753673',
        'post_type'  => 'product',
        'search_fields' => array(
                'meta' => array( 'isbn' ),

    $query = new WP_Query( $args );

Can you please do a POST request again with this query and check if you get no results?

    "from": 0,
    "size": 10,
    "sort": [
            "_score": {
            "order": "desc"
    "query": {
    "function_score": {
        "query": {
            "bool": {
                "should": [
                            "multi_match": {
                            "query": "9781462753673",
                                "type": "phrase",
                                "fields": [
                                "boost": 4
                            "multi_match": {
                            "query": "9781462753673",
                                "fields": [
                                "boost": 2,
                                "fuzziness": 0,
                                "operator": "and"
                            "multi_match": {
                            "fields": [
                                "query": "9781462753673",
                                "fuzziness": 1
            "exp": {
            "post_date_gmt": {
                "scale": "14d",
                    "decay": 0.25,
                    "offset": "7d"
            "score_mode": "avg",
            "boost_mode": "sum"
    "post_filter": {
    "bool": {
        "must": [
                    "term": {
                    "post_type.raw": "product"
                    "terms": {
                    "post_status": [

This is how my mappings look for isbn so we can also compare :

"meta": {
"properties": {
"isbn": {
"properties": {
"boolean": {
"type": "boolean"
"date": {
"type": "date",
"format": "yyyy-MM-dd"
"datetime": {
"type": "date",
"format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
"double": {
"type": "double"
"long": {
"type": "long"
"raw": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 10922
"time": {
"type": "date",
"format": "HH:mm:ss"
"value": {
"type": "text",
"fields": {
"raw": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 10922
"sortable": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 10922,
"normalizer": "lowerasciinormalizer"


peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

Hey @oscarssanchez! Thanks for continuing to dig on this! Still no results when posting with that specific query.

Here is my mapping:

            "format":"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
oscarssanchez commented 5 years ago

Our mappings look identical @peterjohnhunt ,

Let's take a look at the data of the product with isbn 9781462753673 . Could you search for it by it's title and paste how it looks? This is how it looks for me :

                "_index": "localhost-1",
                "_type": "post",
                "_id": "7",
                "_score": 3.0137746,
                "_source": {
                    "post_id": 7,
                    "ID": 7,
                    "post_author": {
                        "raw": "",
                        "login": "",
                        "display_name": "",
                        "id": ""
                    "post_date": "2018-12-20 00:49:33",
                    "post_date_gmt": "2018-12-20 00:49:33",
                    "post_title": "test1",
                    "post_excerpt": "",
                    "post_content_filtered": "",
                    "post_content": "",
                    "post_status": "publish",
                    "post_name": "test1",
                    "post_modified": "2018-12-20 00:49:40",
                    "post_modified_gmt": "2018-12-20 00:49:40",
                    "post_parent": 0,
                    "post_type": "product",
                    "post_mime_type": "",
                    "permalink": "http://localhost/product/test1/",
                    "terms": [],
                    "meta": {
                        "isbn": [
                                "value": "9781462753673",
                                "raw": "9781462753673",
                                "long": 9781462753673,
                                "double": 9781462753673,
                                "boolean": false,
                                "date": "1971-01-01",
                                "datetime": "1971-01-01 00:00:01",
                                "time": "00:00:01"
                    "date_terms": {
                        "year": 2018,
                        "month": 12,
                        "week": 51,
                        "dayofyear": 353,
                        "day": 20,
                        "dayofweek": 4,
                        "dayofweek_iso": 4,
                        "hour": 0,
                        "minute": 49,
                        "second": 33,
                        "m": 201812
                    "comment_count": 0,
                    "comment_status": "closed",
                    "ping_status": "closed",
                    "menu_order": 0,
                    "guid": "http://localhost/?post_type=product&#038;p=7"
peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

Hey @oscarssanchez, very helpful! So doing additional digging here, i'm actually noticing that though search is working and returning results when various keywords are used, it almost seems as if there are a number of titles that may not be indexed? I was also able to find one that is for sure indexed, and the ISBN is working when searching for that. So it appears it's just related to some posts.

But for instance when i search for the exact post title of some specific posts, i'd expect that post to be first in the results, but it's not showing in the top 8 at least. I have quite a number of posts though so it's hard to know if it's for sure not indexed, or just not showing in the first couple pages... though the lack of it showing up by ISBN makes me think it's not indexed to begin with.

During initial testing i re-ran wp elasticpress index --setup to make sure everything is indexed. is there a better way i can confirm if a specific post is indexed by post id? or see why some might be not getting indexed?

oscarssanchez commented 5 years ago

Great, thanks for the information @peterjohnhunt ,

Another person recently had a similar issue and it was because of some meta remanents generated by ACF. Could you please index your content with this wp-cli command: wp elasticpress index --setup --show-bulk-errors

Let's see what errors it throws :)

peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

started this a while ago and will update you once it's complete! no errors half way through as of yet!

peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

aha! It appears that my error is this:

type: illegal_argument_exception
reason: Limit of total fields [5000] in index [myserver] has been exceeded
peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

I've disabled protected content for now and am doing a resync as a have quite a bit of admin only data that i don't have to sync. Thanks for all the help @oscarssanchez! Would be nice if there was an alert or something in the plugin or elasticpress.io account page that showed i was over my quota!

peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

I'm re-running an index now to confirm this was the issue! That being said, i don't actually have WP-CLI access on my production server. is there an easy way i can delete the current index and re-index on there?

oscarssanchez commented 5 years ago

Hi @peterjohnhunt ,

This actually is related to the total field size on your elasticsearch server, not the documents you can index. For the essential plan that is 20,000 documents, far more than 5,000.

This issue is probably happening because of the meta you have right now. You probably have too much meta data in your database due to poor coded plugins. We had this exact same issue recently.

There's potentially two options to solve this:

1.- You can try elevating the total_field_max_size of elasticsearch with filter: ep_total_field_limit (this wont work if there's a lot of meta. I think elasticsearch would crash if you go higher than 10,000)

2.- You can clean up some of that meta in your database / exclude from getting indexed ( i highly recommend cleaning, though ). I would look for duplicated or similar values that are not in use anymore. After this, everything should get indexed :)

For your question on re-indexing, everytime you run a re index from the dashboard, your previous index is getting deleted. wp-cli is good when debugging as well as customizing the post number to index per cycle.

peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

Thanks Oscar! I'll look to clean up some old meta. I do have quite a bit of post meta that's used purely for admin related posts. What would the best way for me to exclude those from indexing be?

peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

Also, just to clarify, ideally you're saying i should have less than 5000 unique meta_key that are being indexed, correct?

oscarssanchez commented 5 years ago

That's right @peterjohnhunt , 5,000 seem like a lot of meta_keys for me . If there's some meta_keys that you would like to keep but not get indexed into elasticsearch, you can use this filter: ep_prepare_meta_excluded_public_keys . Private meta is not indexed by default.

peterjohnhunt commented 5 years ago

Thanks Oscar! I excluded the offending meta by filtering is_protectedmeta so as to more easily use a wildcard check since the meta that is bloating it has a consistent meta prefix (similar to the in protected meta). I resynced, and everything appears to be working now. It would be cool if there was an additional filter for $allow_index to be filtered within elastic press passing in the meta key so it could more easily be dynamically checked instead of having to be fully specified in the ep_prepare_meta_excluded_public_keys. I.e.:

foreach ( $meta as $key => $value ) {

    $allow_index = false;

    if ( is_protected_meta( $key ) ) {

        if ( true === $allowed_protected_keys || in_array( $key, $allowed_protected_keys ) ) {
            $allow_index = true;
    } else {

        if ( true !== $excluded_public_keys && ! in_array( $key, $excluded_public_keys )  ) {
            $allow_index = true;

    if ( true === apply_filters( 'ep_prepare_meta_allow_index', $allow_index, $key, $post) || apply_filters( 'ep_prepare_meta_whitelist_key', false, $key, $post ) ) {
        $prepared_meta[ $key ] = maybe_unserialize( $value );

Best option for me to submit a PR on that?

Otherwise, my issue is resolved and i greatly appreciate your help!

allan23 commented 5 years ago

Hi @peterjohnhunt, PRs are always appreciated.

Have a great day.

twhid commented 4 years ago

For folks wondering how to use ep_prepare_meta_excluded_public_keys here's an example solution. In functions.php of your theme (or wherever you put code specific to particular plugins):


add_filter( "ep_prepare_meta_excluded_public_keys", function ($arr, $post) {
    $metaKeys = array_keys(get_post_meta($post->ID));
    $excluded = array_filter($metaKeys, function($key) {
        $excludedKeyPatterns = [
        foreach($excludedKeyPatterns as $pattern) {
            if (preg_match($pattern, $key) !== 0) {
                return true;
        return false;
    return $excluded;
}, 1, 2 );

This goes through each meta key and excludes it if it matches a regex pattern defined in $excludedKeyPatterns.

brandwaffle commented 4 years ago

@twhid thanks for sharing this! Would you mind if we added this example to our docs?

twhid commented 4 years ago

I don't mind.

I was just thinking that $arr and $excluded should perhaps be merged before returning, but it appears in your source code that an empty array is always passed to it (unless you apply that filter in places other than ElasticPress\Indexable\Post\Post).

jeffceriello commented 4 years ago

Hi @twhid, thanks so much for your example - it helps a lot. I have tried adding it to my website, like this

add_filter( "ep_prepare_meta_excluded_public_keys", function ($arr, $post) {
    $metaKeys = array_keys(get_post_meta($post->ID));
    $excluded = array_filter($metaKeys, function($key) {
        $excludedKeyPatterns = [
           ........ (many more)
    return $excluded;
}, 1, 2 );

I have removed the regex part because I don't think it applies to my meta keys.

I am not sure I have typed that correctly since it doesn't seem to work. Could you please point me in the right direction?

Many thanks

twhid commented 4 years ago

@jeffceriello if you have a hard-coded list of keys you can just return that array from the function (there's no reason to filter the meta keys from the post). In my case there were many very similar keys being created by some plugins that I didn't need indexed (and more could be added in the future) so I filtered all they keys on every post by those regexes to generate the exclude list.

Hope this helps!