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Custom post's and REST API #1711

Closed arhimed-me-account closed 3 years ago

arhimed-me-account commented 4 years ago

Hello there, I have two questions:

1) I indexed all post's in WP, I have post and custom_post indexed but using debug bar as suggested i see on admin page that elasticpress repalces query's just on admin post page (where all post are listed) http://prntscr.com/rjpwj5 but on admin page where are all custom_post listed i see that there is no no query replaced http://prntscr.com/rjpx3x

On what this depends?

2) Can we replace query's that run over REST API like /wp-json/wp/v2/posts?per_page=10 with response from elasticpress?


dnikola commented 4 years ago


any replay regarding this questions?

oscarssanchez commented 4 years ago

Hi @dnikola , @arhimed-me-account ,

Can you please share more information about this? Are these custom post types hierarchical ? what features do you have activated? what is your current ElasticSearch and ElasticPress version ? what plugins do you have activated? Is there some custom code we have to be aware of? I was able to search for orders and products just fine so any information you can give to reproduce this issue will help us a lot in order to troubleshoot.

Regarding your other question, the query that is being run/wp-json/wp/v2/posts?per_page=10 should already be using ElasticPress. Hope that helps.

dnikola commented 4 years ago

Hi @oscarssanchez

thanks for your kind replay!

Ok let we split this in two questions problems

1) Custom post's problem

I am using elasticpress addon plugin for debug bar to debug query (hope that this is the beast way I am using, if not please tell me for another tool) Here is a SS to see when i open post's page http://prntscr.com/ryc1v0 and custom posts page in wp-admin http://prntscr.com/ryc2et

So here are information asked ElasticPress plugin version: 3.4.1 Elasticsearch version | 6.8.7

and here is code how i registered this custom post's types

if ( ! function_exists('regiser_custom_post_citulja') ) {

// Register Custom Post Type
function regiser_custom_post_citulja() {

    $labels = array(
        'name'                  => _x( 'Čitulje', 'Post Type General Name', 'umrlime' ),
        'singular_name'         => _x( 'Čitulja', 'Post Type Singular Name', 'umrlime' ),
        'menu_name'             => __( 'Čitulje', 'umrlime' ),
        'name_admin_bar'        => __( 'Čitulja', 'umrlime' ),
        'archives'              => __( 'Arhiva čitulja', 'umrlime' ),
        'attributes'            => __( 'Item Attributes', 'umrlime' ),
        'parent_item_colon'     => __( 'Nadređena čitulja:', 'umrlime' ),
        'all_items'             => __( 'Sve čitulje', 'umrlime' ),
        'add_new_item'          => __( 'Dodaj novu čitulju', 'umrlime' ),
        'add_new'               => __( 'Dodaj novu čitulju', 'umrlime' ),
        'new_item'              => __( 'Nova čitulja', 'umrlime' ),
        'edit_item'             => __( 'Uredi čitulju', 'umrlime' ),
        'update_item'           => __( 'Ažuriraj čitulju', 'umrlime' ),
        'view_item'             => __( 'Pregledaj čitulju', 'umrlime' ),
        'view_items'            => __( 'Pregledaj čitulje', 'umrlime' ),
        'search_items'          => __( 'Pretraži čitulje', 'umrlime' ),
        'not_found'             => __( 'Nije pronađeno', 'umrlime' ),
        'not_found_in_trash'    => __( 'Nije pronađeno na otpadu', 'umrlime' ),
        'featured_image'        => __( 'Fotografija čitulje', 'umrlime' ),
        'set_featured_image'    => __( 'Podasi fotografiju čitulje', 'umrlime' ),
        'remove_featured_image' => __( 'ukloni fotografiju čitulje', 'umrlime' ),
        'use_featured_image'    => __( 'Koristi kao fotografiju čitulje', 'umrlime' ),
        'insert_into_item'      => __( 'Ubaci u čitulju', 'umrlime' ),
        'uploaded_to_this_item' => __( 'Dodaj za ovu čitulju', 'umrlime' ),
        'items_list'            => __( 'Lista čitulja', 'umrlime' ),
        'items_list_navigation' => __( 'Navigacije liste čitulja', 'umrlime' ),
        'filter_items_list'     => __( 'Filtriraj listu čitulja', 'umrlime' ),
    $args = array(
        'label'                 => __( 'Čitulja', 'umrlime' ),
        'description'           => __( 'Online čitulje sa tipovima kao sto su umrlice, pomeni, poslednji pozdrav', 'umrlime' ),
        'labels'                => $labels,
        'supports'              => array( 'title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'revisions', 'custom-fields', 'page-attributes', 'post-formats' ),
        'taxonomies'            => array( 'tip', 'vrsta' ),
        'hierarchical'          => false,
        'public'                => true,
        'show_ui'               => true,
        'show_in_menu'          => true,
        'menu_position'         => 5,
        'menu_icon'             => 'dashicons-id',
        'show_in_admin_bar'     => true,
        'show_in_nav_menus'     => true,
        'can_export'            => true,
        //'rewrite'             => array( 'slug' => 'c', 'with_front' => true ),
        'has_archive'           => true,
        'exclude_from_search'   => false,
        'publicly_queryable'    => true,
        'capability_type'       => 'page',
        'show_in_rest'          => true,
    register_post_type( 'citulja', $args );
add_action( 'init', 'regiser_custom_post_citulja', 0 );


as you can see they are not hierarchical No, regarding this plugin i haven't used any custom code Here is a list of plugins some of them are temporary active for debuging purpose

2) REST API Problem

I tried to enable option from your plugin settings and log query's but noting show up there. Also tried plugin https://github.com/petenelson/wp-rest-api-log I see from this plugin log that query's like /wp-json/wp/v2/posts?per_page=10 are not served from elasticsearch and query's like wp-json/wp/v2/users/?per_page=100 also, but query's like wp-json/wp/v2/search?search=something are being served from elasticsearch
Here is complete settings of ElasticPress plugin https://i.imgur.com/aGUzYVy.png

If you need any more info please let me know. Thanks!

dnikola commented 4 years ago

Hello @oscarssanchez

did you had time to check something regarding this problem?


oscarssanchez commented 3 years ago

Hi @dnikola,

Sorry it has been a while, do you still have this problem with the latest version?

dnikola commented 3 years ago

Hi @oscarssanchez ,

yes while, almost year :)

I'll need to check, just tell me what should i need to test question 1 or question 2 from my initial question

oscarssanchez commented 3 years ago

Hi @dnikola ,

Actually if both are still happening it would be great to know! Thanks!

dnikola commented 3 years ago

Hi @dnikola ,

Actually if both are still happening it would be great to know! Thanks!

I am afraid that situation is same :/ do you need any aditional info?

oscarssanchez commented 3 years ago

Hi @dnikola , Thanks, I was able to reproduce both things :)

@brandwaffle this seems correct, if you register a new post type and you check the custom post list page, the query is not run through ElasticPress. The REST API also does not integrate even if s is set like wp-json/wp/v2/posts?s=test&per_page=10

You would need to set the ep_integrate param to both scenarios to make them run with ElasticPress

dnikola commented 3 years ago


could you please be more clear about this

You would need to set the ep_integrate param to both scenarios to make them run with ElasticPress

you mean using add_ action ‘pre_get_posts’ i should use 'ep_integrate' => true, so this will work?


oscarssanchez commented 3 years ago

Hi @dnikola ,

That's correct!

dnikola commented 3 years ago

Hi @dnikola ,

That's correct!


i will check.

felipeelia commented 3 years ago

@oscarssanchez @dnikola just as a reminder, for REST API, it should be wp-json/wp/v2/posts?search=test&per_page=10, as in the docs.

oscarssanchez commented 3 years ago

Can confirm the correct way is ?search for the REST API and queries go through when this is set.