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BUG: Custom results wrong #2899

Closed BWBama85 closed 2 years ago

BWBama85 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug Created a custom result and moved it to the first result.

Steps to Reproduce See above

Expected behavior The page I add to the custom result should appear first, since I added it to the first slot Instead it shows up on page 3 here: https://www.bamapolitics.com/?s=Huntsville Furthermore, why is a custom result even needed here? Why is Huntsville losing out to all the other pages when it is an exact match?

Screenshots https://imgur.com/pdDSpGU

Environment information

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BWBama85 commented 2 years ago

I reset all the weights to 1, and now it appears at the top. My question now is, the only weight I had changed was I moved Page Title to 100 and everything else stayed at 1. Why would that trump custom results?

felipeelia commented 2 years ago

Hi @BWBama85,

Can you please install the debugging plugins, get the weightings as you had before, visit that 3rd page of search results, and send us the contents of Query Body and Query Results from Debug Bar ElasticPress?

Also, can you please check if that changes when you have "Weight results by date" enabled or disabled?


github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically closed because there has been no response to our request for more information. With only the information that is currently in the issue, we don't have enough information to take action. Please reach out if you have or find the answers we need so that we can investigate further. See this blog post on bug reports and the importance of repro steps for more information about the kind of information that may be helpful.

TorlockC commented 1 year ago

Hi @felipeelia, I know this has been long since closed but I am having the same issue at the moment and wondered if we could reopen. Otherwise happy to open a new issue instead if preferable.

I have custom weightings and my custom search results only appear on the 6th page rather than the 1st.

Here is the Query Body/Results from the 6th page:

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"terms.pa_usb-required.slug" } }, "pa_usb-type-c-ports-quantity": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_usb-type-c-ports-quantity.slug" } }, "pa_usb-upstream-port-type": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_usb-upstream-port-type.slug" } }, "pa_usb-version": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_usb-version.slug" } }, "pa_vdsl": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_vdsl.slug" } }, "pa_vdsl2": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_vdsl2.slug" } }, "pa_vesa-mounting": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_vesa-mounting.slug" } }, "pa_video-motion-detection": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_video-motion-detection.slug" } }, "pa_video-port-type": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_video-port-type.slug" } }, "pa_video-ports-quantity": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_video-ports-quantity.slug" } }, "pa_video-recording": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_video-recording.slug" } }, "pa_virtual-reality-vr-ready": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_virtual-reality-vr-ready.slug" } }, "pa_vlan-support": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_vlan-support.slug" } }, "pa_vlan-tagging": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_vlan-tagging.slug" } }, "pa_voice-control": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_voice-control.slug" } }, "pa_wake-on-lan-ready": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_wake-on-lan-ready.slug" } }, "pa_wall-mountable": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_wall-mountable.slug" } }, "pa_wall-mounting-kit": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_wall-mounting-kit.slug" } }, "pa_wan-connection": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_wan-connection.slug" } }, "pa_wan-connection-type": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_wan-connection-type.slug" } }, "pa_warranty-card": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_warranty-card.slug" } }, "pa_wearing-style": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_wearing-style.slug" } }, "pa_web-based-management": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_web-based-management.slug" } }, "pa_weight": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_weight.slug" } }, "pa_wi-fi": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_wi-fi.slug" } }, "pa_wi-fi-band": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_wi-fi-band.slug" } }, "pa_wi-fi-direct": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_wi-fi-direct.slug" } }, "pa_width": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_width.slug" } }, "pa_width-imperial": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_width-imperial.slug" } }, "pa_wireless-charging": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_wireless-charging.slug" } }, "pa_wireless-range": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_wireless-range.slug" } }, "pa_wireless-receiver-interface": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_wireless-receiver-interface.slug" } }, "pa_wlan-adapter-supported": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_wlan-adapter-supported.slug" } }, "pa_wps-push-button": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_wps-push-button.slug" } }, "pa_write-protection-switch": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_write-protection-switch.slug" } }, "pa_write-speed": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_write-speed.slug" } }, "pa_wwan": { "terms": { "size": 10000, "field": "terms.pa_wwan.slug" } } } } } }

TorlockC commented 1 year ago
