10up / ElasticPress

A fast and flexible search and query engine for WordPress.
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Related Posts not work #3901

Closed rstrah closed 4 months ago

rstrah commented 5 months ago

Describe your question

I have function:

function ep_get_related_posts($post_id = null, $related_post_count = 5)
    if (class_exists('\ElasticPress\Features')) {
        $related_posts = \ElasticPress\Features::factory()->get_registered_feature('related_posts')->find_related($post_id, $related_post_count);

        if ($related_posts) {
            echo '<h2>Похожие новости:</h2>';
            echo '<ul>';
            foreach ($related_posts as $related_post) {
                echo '<li><a href="' . get_permalink($related_post->ID) . '">' . $related_post->post_title . '</a></li>';
            echo '</ul>';
        } else {
            echo 'No related posts found.';
    } else {
        echo 'ElasticPress is not available.';

I get "No related posts found"

I call it like this (I'm sure the $id being passed is not empty) ep_get_related_posts($id, $related_post_count = 5)

Through the block in Gutenberg I get the same thing(If you use your block).

Code of Conduct

felipeelia commented 5 months ago

@rstrah, ep_get_related_posts($id, $related_post_count = 5), how $id is being created?

Also, using the debugging add-on, if you visit the page where the "No related posts found" message is displayed, you should be able to debug the query being sent to ElasticPress. When you get that, feel free to share it here if you want.

rstrah commented 5 months ago

@felipeelia Hi.

<div class="main-content" id="<?php echo $post->ID; ?>">
<?php render_news_whole_post($post->ID,NULL,true); ?>
<?php ep_get_related_posts($post->ID, $related_post_count = 5); ?>

Like that )

rstrah commented 5 months ago
## Queries info ##

### https://dev.minsknews.by/v-oktyabrskom-rajone-uzhe-zavershayut-plan-po-kapremontu-zhilyh-domov-za-2023-god (2024-05-03 10:16:39) ###
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  0 => 'This is a fake request to build the ElasticPress Autosuggest query. It is not really sent.',

### https://dev.minsknews.by/v-oktyabrskom-rajone-uzhe-zavershayut-plan-po-kapremontu-zhilyh-domov-za-2023-god (2024-05-03 10:16:39) ###
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### https://dev.minsknews.by/v-oktyabrskom-rajone-uzhe-zavershayut-plan-po-kapremontu-zhilyh-domov-za-2023-god (2024-05-03 10:16:39) ###
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github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

It has been 3 days since more information was requested from you in this issue and we have not heard back. This issue is now marked as stale and will be closed in 3 days, but if you have more information to add then please comment and the issue will stay open.

rstrah commented 5 months ago

i have problem

felipeelia commented 5 months ago

@rstrah the query is going through, but not finding anything related. This is the Elasticsearch query:

    "from": 0,
    "size": 5,
    "post_filter": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "terms": {
                        "post_type.raw": [
                    "terms": {
                        "post_status": [
    "query": {
        "more_like_this": {
            "like": {
                "_id": 1236992
            "fields": [
            "min_term_freq": 1,
            "max_query_terms": 12,
            "min_doc_freq": 1
    "sort": [
            "post_date": {
                "order": "desc"

You will need to make sure your content is properly indexed, and that you have content in the "post" post_type with similar title, content, and/or tags of the post with ID 1236992.

If you need to use different fields, you'll need to use the ep_related_posts_fields filter, with something like this:

    function( $fields ) {
        $fields = array_merge(
            [ 'post_content_filtered', 'terms.category.name' ]
        return $fields;

(more options are available in this gist.)

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

It has been 3 days since more information was requested from you in this issue and we have not heard back. This issue is now marked as stale and will be closed in 3 days, but if you have more information to add then please comment and the issue will stay open.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

This issue has been automatically closed because there has been no response to our request for more information in the past 3 days. With only the information that is currently available, we are unable to take further action on this ticket. Please reach out if you have found or find the answer we need so that we can investigate further. When the information is ready, you can re-open this ticket to share it with us.