10up / ElasticPress

A fast and flexible search and query engine for WordPress.
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Unable to get Autosuggest working on Cloudways WordPress installation #3923

Closed richblythtribus closed 1 month ago

richblythtribus commented 1 month ago

Describe your question

We are having a lot of issues getting the autosuggest feature working unfortunately and seem to be going round in circles with Cloudways' technical support.

We have created a 'clean' application with a new installation of WordPress, the only plugins active are ElasticPress, Query Monitor and the ElasticPress Debugger. The active theme is Twentytwentyfour. The intention is to get it working on this application and mirror the fix on our 'actual' application on the same server.

The ElasticSearch Host URL is set via wp-config as Autosuggest selector is set to .wp-block-search__input Endpoint URL has been set (by Cloudways) to wordpress-1257291-4550149.cloudwaysapps.com:9200/wordpress12572914550149cloudwaysappscom-post-1/_search

Previously we tried the endpoint as - which resulted in console errors when trying to trigger the autosuggest feature. Now, nothing happens at all.

Steps to reproduce; Use the search on https://wordpress-1257291-4550149.cloudwaysapps.com/ to query ‘Hello’ (do not press search/hit return)

Expected results The ‘Hello world’ post is a returned as a suggestion per the ElasticPress Autosuggest feature (See https://wordpress-1257291-4550149.cloudwaysapps.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=elasticpress)

Status report

Failed Queries


WordPress Environment

wp_version: 6.5.3 home_url: https://wordpress-1257291-4550149.cloudwaysapps.com site_url: https://wordpress-1257291-4550149.cloudwaysapps.com is_multisite: false theme: Twenty Twenty-Four (1.1) plugins: ElasticPress (5.1.0), ElasticPress Debugging Add-On (3.1.0), and Query Monitor (3.16.2) revisions: all

Server Environment

php_version: 8.2.19 memory_limit: 40M timeout: 300

Indexable Content

wordpress-1257291-4550149.cloudwaysapps.com — https://wordpress-1257291-4550149.cloudwaysapps.com

post_count: 4 page_count: 1 post_meta_keys: 0 page_meta_keys: 0 total-all-post-types: 0 distinct-meta-keys:



host: index_prefix: language: en_GB per_page: 350 network_active: false


request_timeout: 5 index_document_timeout: 15 bulk_request_timeout: 30

Elasticsearch Indices


health: yellow status: open index: wordpress12572914550149cloudwaysappscom-post-1 uuid: H9YYu0VdQwyfjbV_Llgy6Q pri: 5 rep: 1 docs.count: 5 docs.deleted: 0 store.size: 101kb pri.store.size: 101kb total_fields_limit: 5000 analyzer_language: english stop_language: english snowball_language: English

Last Sync

2024/05/30 2:13:11 pm

method: WP Dashboard is_full_sync: No end_date_time: 2024/05/30 2:13:12 pm total_time: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 2 seconds total: 5 synced: 5 skipped: 0 failed: 0 errors: array ( ) trigger: manual final_status: success

Feature Settings


active: true autosuggest_selector: .wp-block-search__input endpoint_url: wordpress-1257291-4550149.cloudwaysapps.com:9200/wordpress12572914550149cloudwaysappscom-post-1/_search force_inactive: false trigger_ga_event: 0

Did You Mean

active: true force_inactive: false search_behavior: 0


active: true force_inactive: false match_type: all

Post Search

active: true decaying_enabled: 0 force_inactive: false highlight_enabled: 1 highlight_excerpt: 1 highlight_tag: mark synonyms_editor_mode: simple synonyms:

# Defined synonyms.
runner, running shoe, sneaker, tennis shoe, trainer

Defined hyponyms.

blue => blue, aqua, azure, cerulean, cyan, ultramarine

Defined replacements.

supposably => supposedly flustrated => flustered, frustrated intensive purposes => intents and purposes

weighting: array ( )

Related Posts

active: true force_inactive: false

Code of Conduct

burhandodhy commented 1 month ago

Hi @richblythtribus,

I noticed that the autosuggest endpoint value on your site is empty. You can test this by entering epas.endpointUrl in the browser console.


It appears that the Autosuggest URL was added without the HTTP protocol. Could you please add this URL http://wordpress-1257291-4550149.cloudwaysapps.com:9200/wordpress12572914550149cloudwaysappscom-post-1/_search in the settings and try. We discoverd its actually a bug and already opened a ticket for this https://github.com/10up/ElasticPress/issues/3927

Additionally, it seems that SSL is not working for the Autosuggest URL, which might cause some issue. You can check the errors in browser browser console.

Regards, Burhan

richblythtribus commented 1 month ago

Thank you,

I have updated that setting and now get the following console errors when attempting to use autosuggest -